Holding people accountable in 2019

Exceptions to the rules currently exist in forum moderation for Classic, which is what I was specifically talking about.

I know. But you said it would need to be closely monitored…

That is unlikely to happen.

Because we can just click report and flag things…

They seem to be doing that now with mentions of pservers. They’ll remove anything that appears to be advertising them. I’ve seen quite a few of those kind of posts disappear pretty quickly. However, we can talk about pservers in a general manner quite freely.

That is what I was talking about.

Report it to the server and move on?

What’s going to happen is that guild leaders are going to talk to each other in-game.

I had a guy app to our guild once in TBC after he had just left a different guild. I whispered the GL of that guild and he told me the guy was kicked for ninja-looting in a dungeon pug.

So I rejected the guy’s application.

That was the only time an issue like that occurred, but don’t pretend that GLs won’t talk to each other.


EULA 1.C.xi.2.

Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Code of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

I think it’d be hard to claim you’re not intending to unreasonably undermine someone’s experience by doxxing them in game.

We used to always check WarcraftRealms for their guild history and check with a few of them why the person left.

No one is getting doxxed. Quit hyperventilating about simply pointing out anti-social player behavior.


Uh, I was specifically responding to:

Literally someone suggesting doxxing is appropriate. Quit attempting to push your agenda on every response.

Just right click report and move on. (forum hemorrhage in 3 … 2 … ) :grin:

IMO, as long as that rule is set before the run, go for it.

IMO, if you do not set that rule before the run, then be prepared to accept the consequences of your actions.

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In today’s snowflake culture you would be considered a harasser.

Which is why blizzard needs to leave out of enforcing arbitrary harassment policies and let people learn to get along on their own.

On pservers there are 0 enforcement and also 0 people whining about it because there is no reward for whining.

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Susan, is that really you? Can you and your susanexpress help us out with some quick gold soon?

Got some fresh Sexleg™ right here.

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Am I mistaken or did Blizzard not say they would not intervene in loot disputes, even in 5 man dungeons where loot trading will not be enabled?

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Every time someone says ninja all I can think of is

If Blizzard cannot reverse the “ninja” action, then it’s not a ninja loot and you may as well be calling out yourself for your enabling behavior

Short answer: Yes.

Loot disputes and loot scams are different.

My guild used master loot, I never had this problem. Just make sure your guild has a fair loot council, the master looter generally asks everyone to type /roll then they inspect the winner to make sure they can use that item. If your guild is playing favorites then your in the wrong guild…