Holding people accountable in 2019

Oh Also prob a good idea to review the loot scam rules when they get added back(assuming they will be added back with classic, were removed with global personal loot)

The old loot scam rules stated they could fix a scam(ninja) if you set up clear and complete loot rules in a chat where everyone in the group could see(party/raid) which were then not followed.

To be complete loot rules need to state WHO IS ELIGIBLE and HOW LOOT IS DISTRIBUTED

for how loot is distributed, you need to mention what method is being used and how the winner is determined.(using /roll 100 highest roll wins) if you are rolling for gear prob a good idea to mention what the roll is between and DEFIANTLY mention that the highest roll wins.

TLDR: make sure the loot rules state who can roll and that highest roll wins.

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I don’t like how everything that everybody says ever is seen as some sort of official statement as if their bad behavior (that somebody has categorized subjectively) in that particular moment is then seen as some sort of representation of that person’s overall character.

If someone hurt your fee fee’s, doesn’t justify making that person a target for harassment.

Calling out ninja players is not doxxing.

Revealing their real name and/or address and/or phone number? That’s doxxing.


Anyone can need on anything, even if they can’t equip it.

If you are farming for some epic sword, it drops, and I need on it as a druid… I am a ninja and should be called out for it.


If that sword is BoE no you are not.

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It’s still targeted harassment, which is why Blizzard doesn’t like it.

Report it and move on with your life.

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Well, if we’re being honest, only a very very small number of people use a games forums. I don’t think your thread on the troll did as much damage as word of mouth did locally.

/ignore and dont group. its a loss for then, but that player is someone you will never have to play with again.

Ive joined groups, and said “hey i recognize that guy, he ninja’d XYZ piece of gear, i wont stay” and thats typically enough to get them removed.

Don’t abuse it, because those people get just as f’ed

I remember in vanilla, whole call out posts. Explaining a persons actions w/screen shots of the encounter and the rare FRAPS video of it going down. Usually a person who abused their role as ML took what they wanted and bounced.

By definition, making a post about somebody isnt doxxing (revealing personal/identity information) but it IS for some reason against blizzards TOS as harassment… Now. Im sure we can move around blizzards TOS by just posting screen shots and saying “this is a sad day in the guild”

And while not specifically calling a single person out, by name, inside of the thread it should be able to work around TOS. We will see once we get our own server forums and things to peruse… But ninja looting will not be tolerated by me or my guild.

Provide screen shots and its an instant Gkick on first offense and blacklisted to other higher end raiding guilds that the officers will contact once they establish themselves on servers etc


better not ninja my teebu’s

BoE epics or really any high value BoE is all need, cause I dont care if that epic is your BiS if that thing is worth 1k its an upgrade for everyone.


Well thats… Kinda rude XD

But I see your point.

Usually its BoE blue/epic are all rolls - ESPECIALLY in PUG’s but there are certain BOE pieces that are best in slot and its kind of a dick move if you take them… Force the person to equip it first or try to keep it within guildies imho

doxxing is only against the FORUMS rules. Nothing saying you cant do it in game.

but again, just because someone says something in chat, doesnt mean you should necessarily believe them. just be wary of that char.

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In short it is harrasment. And a very preventable kind. Looting in vanilla is more than you think.

You are worried about all the wrong things dude. While the idea of shaming someone for not playing the game the way YOU want would work in theory if enough people joined in(which they will) it also backfires when it gets constantly misused.

If looting method is set as need before greed then you accept that need could be for any reason, not just because its best for that spec, class, etc.

Thats why master loot exists.

If a person is master looter and they decide to take all the best stuff, you accepted that joining the raid or group. If its rolling, you accept that your roll might be lower than someone else who wants your items evem if they dont need it for the same reasons you do.

There are no real rules when it comes to looting. The term ninja was made up by people who wanted to outcast people who didnt play the game the way they wanted.

But yeah if a rogue grabbed my bis caster gear to abuse some spell damage trinket id probably be bummed out or even upset but they needed it for their own reason.

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Thats not necessarily true about master loot.

Assuming they go back to the loot rules before BfA personal loot with classic, which I do not see why they wouldn’t.

If the master looter sets out clear and complete rules in chat that everyone can see and then breaks those rules, that is considered a scam and Blizzard will intervene with a ticket.

However like I mentioned earlier you need COMPLETE rules which almost no one does, meaning you have to mention how the winner of the loot is figured out(have to mention it will be rolls and that the winner is highest roll).

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Didnt know blizzard would intervene like that when clear rules are set. But yeah I would see that as a more understandable reason to be upset and riot over.

That is what both GMs(multiple sources including myself) and support website said they would do.

HOWEVER i cannot stress this enough you have to mention how the winner of the loot is determined(say highest roll wins, prob best to mention roll 1-100 too)
because I have seen multiple GMs who are like the rules didnt say how the winner is determined.

And if it seems like I am being a broken record its because I want it to become common practice in classic that the loot rules are complete enough that GMs can intervene when they are broken.

What somebody says is a completely different issue.

If someone is going to ninja items, there is nothing wrong with letting people know “Don’t group woth X, he will ninja your items”

You really consider holding someone to account for their in-game behaviour as ‘harrasment’? And you want to talk about ‘hurt fee fees?’ Please.

Hurt feelings are the least of my concerns.


Without taking sides on this whole “ninja loot” argument, let me point out that a certain old forum-wide no-no has been tolerated here in the Classic area since it was created, and that is the old strict ban on discussing private servers. As long as you don’t advertise for them or otherwise go overboard, discussion about them is now allowed-- perhaps not explicitly allowed, but tolerated.

I bring that up because there may be a chance that server self-policing posts may be allowed in the new server forums as long as they don’t cross certain lines. Obviously this would be something that would have to be monitored closely but it could be taken on a case-by-case basis.

This is the problem with the current trend of holding people accountable in 2019. It is not monitored by humans first. It is automated and can be weaponized. I expect this trend to continue into Classic. Not only because Aciviblizz is unwilling to hire more people to monitor this sort of thing; but because the player base has also changed. Gone are the days of dealing with adversity; because now we can just report people for saying or doing things we dont like.

I feel like we should be playing all current multiplayer games on Atari 2600’s because it really feels like 1984 around here.

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