Yogurt n Chill is a newly formed guild on Mal’Ganis composed of experienced mythic raiders. Our current focus is to build a roster that will push CE while having fun.
Raid Times:
- Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 8 - 11pm CT (server time) | 6 - 9 pm PST | 9pm - 12pm EST
Recruitment Needs:
- Ranged DPS: boomkin, priest
- Melee DPS: any exceptional dps
Although we noted our high priority recruiting needs above, we are filling out a roster and any/all exceptional players are encouraged to apply.
If you have any questions or want to apply you can contact any of the following below.
- Guid Master: Dotsareweak (Mattdoza#1360 - battlenet or Mattdoza#4756 - disc)
- Officer: Toastedbuns (Breadpool#11919 - battlenet)
- Officer: Yungwern (Yungwern#1150 - battlenet)