[H][Mal’Ganis] <Yogurt n Chill> T/W/Th (10/10H 9/10M)

bumping for reset

still looking for dps

do heals and dps exist

Looking for some dps for mythic kills tomorrow

still looking for more people to fill out our mythic roster

On our way to remnant. Still looking for healers and dps

Oh wow that fits my work schedule lol

LF dps and healers

Need a few more people

LF priest healer

Do priest healers exist

any room for a warlock

LF priest healers and a tank

30% on remnant. LF priest healer

244 BM Hunter LF Raid Team <3

Looking for a few more dps and anyone with tank/healer OS

Remnant down. LF a tank and any range

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LF for some range dps and a healer

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LF dps 27% wipe on painsmith

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250 Beast Master Hunter LF New Raid guild for progging/Keys ;-;