Hit 80 and…

I mean, I just tried it with a mage. Didn’t even have the pre patch gear. Remix gear. I was still going along just fine. Maybe don’t be so dramatic and quick to trust something that asmon said.

Bold of you to assume I watch any of these content grifters.

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When you’ve got people trying to insist that level 80 somehow got worse despite the fact that players are confirming what Blizzard said about 80 being unchanged, that’s when you know some folks are just digging their heels in and sticking their fingers in their ears in order to stay mad about something they haven’t even looked at for themselves.

I imagine it has a great deal to do with the player’s ilvl and the specific content they are doing.

Some of us have been asking for Mythic Questing for a long time now.

Finally. Thanks Ion.

They just increased the difficulty of the game today, because everyone was saying it was too easy. So, you’re not the only one that may start to struggle.

It’s not. Run a few dungeons, do some world quests. Follow people around. Play better. Get your of your leveling greens and it won’t be an issue.

Imagine having a slight challenge to your game? Geez. The increase is so that you don’t just face roll over it the second you hit max level and then it becomes trivial.

Why should I? I want to quest without having to play like I’m fighting an end boss on every pull.

I won’t.

If instances are broke, they need to fix the instances, not make the whole game a raid event.

Pro tip for people struggling: there’s decent ilvl gear being sold on the AH right now for super cheap if you look it up. Also the Darkmoon Faire trinkets for this expansion are going for super cheap, too. It can help boost your ilvl enough to get into heroics and get better gear there.

Just one comment. You shouldn’t be in greens at 80. Dungeons reward nice blues and you can also get some crafted gear off the AH, up to like 564-ish? I can’t recall the exact level.

Yes, and now we are back to forcing players into group content to do what was, in effect, the last remaining soloable content in the game.

I hope this is just a function of unintended consequences, because if this is a new design decision, then repercussions will be astounding.

“Fresh 80” is a phase that won’t last long.

My advice: don’t panic about encountering a few setbacks.

The game is literally grinding gear and fighting stuff…thats the game…

Bit dramatic, don’t you think? It’s really not that bad. If you’re struggling that’s a you problem friend.

I think it’s just jarring that you start OP and gradually become weaker as you level. You are at your weakest when you hit level 80 and it takes some gearing once you hit 80 for the game to feel less tedious.

could always p2w via the AH and get the existing greens from there. :upside_down_face:

Yeah. Even at 570 feel quite weak. Spam defensives and heals to not die when there’s a ton of mob density around WQs, nodes…

and that’s why i don’t like clothies and play my trusted plate wearers especially with a healing ability

Pick up tailoring and (surprisingly) mining.
Craft a full set of blue gear.
You’ve gotten stronger without doing world quests.

Correction: If I am struggling, that means I’m not having fun, and since I sign their checks, that’s Bilzzard’s problems…friend.