Hit 80 and…

I leveled a mage and I am dying to more than one mob on world quests to get better gear. The mobs are too strong for people in leveling greens. It was not so bad on my Druid but even using every cd I have I’m still unable to fight new adds without dying.

Worse though is that in some world quests, like the one where you pick up a bucket and fill it with rocks in ringing deeps is that when you die progress is reset if you didn’t drop it off.

Annoyingly too, the items you need on the ground respawn when another players comes over to get them. This is true in several wqs I’ve done and tried to do and feels terrible.

So there I am using all my cds to slowly lower the health of a mob or two and someone else just wanders over and steals the node I was fighting for? That’s so bad.

There’s no way for me to get stronger if I can’t even complete simple wqs and it feels pretty bad… please fix level 80 scaling and wq issues.


I got a lot of upgrades from the quests themselves. Sounds like you’re skipping stuff.


In the mighty words of the great Ion Hazzikostas…


Working as intended - they do not want you hitting 80 and thinking you can just play the game without first spending a bunch of additional time grinding gear.

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It’s working as intended blizzard decided to lie to us all again(to the suprise of no one) and changed the scaling all over the game and not just limited to dungeons like they originally said.


So there i was… i just needed one more node… and this monk pulls the mob guarding the node, and im so thankful for the kind monk doing that… i wandered over, got what i need from the node and am a happy camper now!


Yeah, it’s the same in normal dungeons - fresh level 80s are being heavily punished. Clearly they made a mistake, and now we get to wait to see if there will be more down time for them to fix it, or if they’ll just ignore it.


If I skipped stuff it’s Bliz’s fault lol. I leveled through the first two zones doing all the side quests and campaign quests available to me. Hitting 80 around the end of the ringing deeps.

Could be a skill issue on my part, but I had no issues until 80 other than “normal” annoyances due to scaling. I don’t claim to be a good player and I don’t raid or anything but if I can’t even do world content then I think the issue is more than me…


I don’t understand how you could make it to 80 and be in leveling greens still, I guess that’s what I’m missing.

You’re either not doing dungeons or you skipped the later story stuff that awards good gear.


I leveled two toons to 80. One I did the full campaign. On the second I did side quests I missed on my main in the first two zones plus the campaign there. Why are there so many side quests if you need to do the full campaign on every character? That was never stated ever that I saw. In fact the opposite is true—this is supposed to be an alt friendly xpac. Regardless of how you get to 80 you should be able to no die or use all your cds on wqs. How will it be when world level goes up for new 80s who did what I did spin like season 3? Maybe I didn’t do it “the right way” but then the game should not let me do it that way if they don’t want me to? I didn’t do any dungeons other than the one follower dungeon in the campaign. I like to level doing quests, so I am in questing greens?


Most of my upgrades came from quests, so I dunno what to tell you.

You play how you want. But it’s also an RPG. You need to be upgrading your equipment along with the curve of your progression or you don’t kill anything, that’s how RPGs work.


Love the mog, how do you get this?

You know you have a sheild right?

Two actually, yes. And they are gone in one hit.

It’s from a vendor in Dornogal! There’s a few different colours. There’s these gem thingies we get from renown that direct you to the vendor.

The vendor is Osidion and he’s by the Work Order people I believe.

Cobalt Educator’s Knowledge - Item - 11.0.0 PTR (wowhead.com)

ur a monk bro just channel ur peace n stuff n get er done


But your level 45. Seriously tho if you need some better gear try the follower dungeons to get some 554 ilevel if you need that.

What ilevel are you supposed to be at 80? My Druid who did the whole campaign and some side quests is 535 (with an upgrade at 80 or two). My mage who leveled in the first two zones upgrading gear as it came from side quests is 528. If we’re supposed to have higher ilevel at 80 bliz needs to buff gear rewards?

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you’re gonna be annoyed but at the table in dorn you can choose “skip campaign and start level 80 levelling path” or something it requires renown 4 on everything but if you were thorough you can do that to skip on alts.

normal dungeons drop 548 at level 80, so you’re not too far off.

I can’t speak to the scaling woes now but i was soloing the rare mobs and that was better gear drops than dungeons at any levelling point

Its called
“The fibbing lawyer” set.
I think the polo shirt drops from mythic SL dungeons, just really low drop rate.
the Mic is a really rare drop from world bosses…