Hit 80 and…

I’m sure Blizz will miss your $15 a month.

Your skill issues are not Blizz issues. They shouldn’t have to nerf the crap out of the easiest content in the game because you’re not good at it and/or refuse to try to get better.

You shouldn’t need a handout to play a video game. Be better than that.

My two characters were in the 540-545 range when I hit 80 I think. A bit higher than yours, but not insanely so. I play warlock and brewmaster though, so I can’t comment on druid or your mage. I wasn’t super strong, but I could easily take on a couple mobs at that ilevel.

Won’t just be me, if it’s going to be raid or die questing from now on. NO ONE should have issues with combat during questing, and the lack of combat skills should not be a hindrance for players who simply want to do end game open world content. It’s going to be a massive mistake for them if they have decided otherwise.

I think it’s probably the class. I’m leveling my second character, but she’s only at 72, so honestly, I don’t have much of a reference at this point. I just know it’s not much fun.

We don’t. You do.

They’ve been doing this for 6-7 years. This isn’t new.

Leveling is easy, then you hit the cap and it ramps up until you get more world queast gear.

Imagine having to actually put some effort into it. Crazy!