Hit 80 and…

Thank you!

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Go look in the massive thread complaining about this lmao.

Buy the darkmoon trinkets, they are 577 and super cheap…….that is if the auction house works

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What’s your iLevel? I’m, what, 77 now? And I’ve been getting 525 gear. I just finished the campaign, so I was going to see if I could do WQs or need to head down into the side quests.

And at 77, with SOME 525 (I think I’m 510ish right now), I’m on the wrong side of the power curve right now.

But curious what it’s looking like at 80.

Lol nope.

Lol yep.

It’s been like this for several expansions now. You hit the cap and things get quite a bit harder. It encourages you to get gear and makes it so world content doesn’t become immediately trivial. Go do some dungeons and get out of your greens.

Ask guildies for help or follow and tag mobs being killed by other payers and help them kill the mobs.

I can tell you my experience today: ilvl 545, lvl 80, wrecked in a level 2 delve just minutes in. Could hardly even damage the gold mob in there.

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your skip stuff is Blizzard fault?
you got so many excuses… lol

Indeed, but I know I haven’t felt it that hard (and I’m not there yet in WW) since BfA.

I distinctly remember in BfA having some fights where I’d resummon my Voidwalker because he was getting the stuffing beat out of him. That was happening around max level at the time (i.e. 79 in today game, whatever max level was in BfA time). But once I dinged, it took no time to turn the tables and klunk the mobs readily.

And THIS is what’s wrong with modern WoW. Open world content isn’t supposed to be only for raiders, or even for groupers.


Ok thanks! Thats useful.

No it’s not.

Oh ok you heard it here first folks, this guy says it’s not let’s close this case.

It’s differential by class.

I have 2 80s now: mage and warlock. Really night and day and they are around the same iLvl, which is just under 560. Not great, but not totally fresh 80 either.

Mage … is much harder than it was during leveling, and I expect it will be so until I am around 580+. Warlock is not that hard … some fights are harder than others, but most of the time it’s manageable, and it was from the time I dinged 80, whereas the mage struggled (solo) as a fresh 80 and still has to be very careful now and pick fights carefully and so on, while the warlock does not.

I haven’t played much with a Mage, but I leveled one, and I relied on the Water Elemental as a sacrificial not-really-a-tank to help take the heat off.

Having the damage sponge like the VW most certainly helps the Warlocks.

There extra health doesn’t hurt either.

Right, so the people were got emotional about it yesterday… Are doubling down today because they feel dumb. Classic community of any game. Human weakness is pride.

Ah ok so when people post their testing results it’s just weakness and emotions because it contradicts your point of view gotcha.

I’m 560 Ilvl and it’s fine. Maybe gear up in normal dungeons?

I leveled a mage in remix I was looking forward to leveling her in WW, I think I won’t be now.

For open world LEVELing content? Seriously?

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Get Good LOL how bad are you at this game??