His Name Was Arthas Menethil

No king rules forever, my son.


Best story and character in WoW. I will not let the terrible writers of Systemlands destroy his name and memory.


In all fairness; he was insane, literally had his soul ripped into three, and removed his own heart in a fit of madness.

Who green lit this story about Arthas? ā€¦ good god.

The writers had no idea what to do with Arthas. The community expected Arthas, and thatā€™s what we gotā€¦


I find it odd that when someone is bad at their job or does something a player (or many players) may not agree with it automatically becomes a personal attack against them. I meanā€¦ be less frageelay.

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So, so disappointed.


Thatā€™s such a boromir thing to say

The cold definitely never bothered him.



May Azeroth never forget the terrible price we paid for our weaknessā€¦for our pride.
And now Nu-Sylvanas craps over her Wrath version even further.

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LK will be back, and forever, once Wrath Classic is here

To me, the story of Arthas story ended a long time ago. I am more upset at how the writers butchered Sylvanas than what they did to Arthasā€™s soul.

May you find your peace Arthas finally ,thanks for the window you open into our own weaknesses , a view of our own flaws as mortals. As time goes on weā€™ll still remember you and know one day we will be only a whisper in the wind and little light of a memory for generations .

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The once and future King.

That was Arthur, not Arthas!

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Time travel is still a thing in WoWā€¦ all may be retcon via the Caverns of Timeā€¦

Learn to trust a Dragonā€¦

Retcon that this was Arthasā€™ plan all this time. The Jailor is dead. Just like he planned it.

10000 IQ.

Iā€™m waiting for them to introduce Arthas and Jainaā€™s secret child.

And along with him, the new Battlemage hero class! :stuck_out_tongue:

Is this the novel that establishes Arthas as exactly as much of a dips**t as Rise of Chaos implies even before frostmourne?

Arthas deserved better than this and i canā€™t believe that these morons just erase him and outright tell us to forget him.
To Hell if we do!

I canā€™t help but think that their intend is to destroy Warcraft III: Nerā€™zul, Kelā€™thuzad and now Arthas, three main villains from Warcraft III are definitly gone, erased from the WoW universe like they never existed.

Itā€™s like the writing team wanted to destroy what the ā€œold guardā€ created to replace it with their own crap.

Sylvanas will never, ever have the stature of Arthas (or even Kelā€™thuzad) despite all the efforts of this writing team - or should i say thanks to all the stupids decisions that damaged the character beyond repairā€¦

And the actual writing team will never, ever be able to create a character with a legendary status like Arthas and the story that follow said character. They showed time to time that they have close to no talent for this.


I know the level of media comprehension in this fandom is low but they are not literally telling you, the player, to forget Arthas.