His Name Was Arthas Menethil

Maybe that was never their intention but that is clearly what the dialog is making people feel.

There is a reason people memed the hell out of “let the past die, kill it if you have to”. Like I cant even imagine why no one at Blizzard thought this wouldnt be a bad idea. A mere moment of self reflection might have told them this does give a last jedi feel.


Again, not surprised with the level of media comprehension in this fandom.

Sometimes when you don’t get a thing, it’s not the writer’s fault that you’re slow on the uptake (and it’s a bit embarassing with wow, where the writers aren’t exactly subtle)

God, imho I felt like I died with Arthas. Screw you Sylvanas and your sniveling whiny self pity montra. I imagined Arthas just rolling his eyes as he disappeared and be like F this crap I’m out. Cause honestly, with these writers at the helm the next expansion is very likely already atrocious narratively and will very likely not be better. Anyone who can give the OK to that cinematic is definitely not gonna make a good expansion in any universe.


Also, it’s not our fault if your level of comprehension is so low that you don’t understand the concept of meta-message.


“He will be forgotten…”

Me: My left foot!! Maybe in another ten years after Invincible finally drops!!

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Or you know the writers are just bad and clearly fails to understand why their audience like the product in the first place and that the meta messaging is a product of that failure.

As an FYI yes I get what they were trying and I am saying they fell flat with that message and makes me even less likely to sympathize with Sylvanas and want to symphathize more with her killer. Which honestly, is just another mark of poor writing.

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I want to go back in time. Let the Jailer win.

I wish I could pin this this to the top :100:


They are not telling you to forget Arthas, but simply his story is over with. It really has been over with for years, the expectation that he would rise from the dead in the xpac and become the lich king reborn was fan base only. Even Blizzard said outside touching on him any major interaction was not going to happen.

I really have no issues with them saying his soul’s energy was used up by the Jailor and thus nothing of Arthas was left but what we seen and it was time for him to just rest and go, thus poofing and being gone from the current time line.

I never dwell in the past xpacs when playing the current ones. I expect them to come up with new themes and idea’s beyond what was laid at our feet 12 some or more years ago. Some as many as almost 20 years ago when you talk about the original story lines. Fact is I view each xpac as new and when they change something I don’t get all spun up over it. I play for now, not for in the past. All the dots do not have to connect all the time for me to enjoy the game. And while going deeper into subj’s they can change them a bit to support the newer story if need be, without me losing my mind.

After all its just a game.

It’s unfortunate that BfA happened as a story and it’s jarring as a follow-up to it, but I find no mystery to the fact that a lot of the playerbase would sympathize more with the human paladin however fallen he may be and however much blood he might have on his hands

People have been trying to paint him as a victim since Wrath

Except he was, we are told he was target by Ner’zhul as a fall guy/guy he wanted to use for his body. And the Scourge was used to break him. We also know from a Thrall book that had things just been slightly different Arthas actually would not be the Lich King now and would actually be married to Jaina and with a kid(admittely he would still lose Lordearon and be a prince in exile but still).

Now Shadowlands has furthered that narrative. That he was just another pawn in his scheme that managed to stop being a pawn.

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And Ner’zhul failed at fully controlling him, that’s also been canon for over a decade.

And whatever the Lich king was, was neither Arthas or Ner’zhul. That the Lich King stabbed his young ghost self and cut out his heart. That is also canon.

Don’t worry, this was all just an alternate timeline. The way things really happened will be revealed in 12.0: “We’re Going Back to Draenor, This Time For Real”

Not making his final appearance in the game all about a character that had no personal importance to him.

He didn’t get a quiet good-bye.

He got a ‘go away and be forgotten’.

The best case scenario was for him to have never appeared anywhere in relation to Shadowlands.

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The highest respect that modern Blizzard could give Arthas is to not touch him or his legacy.


It’s the novel that shows he is not some bastion of evil that misinformed people seem to want to make him out to be.

You should read it sometime.


That would be the novel that doubles down on the abuse allegories for his creation of banshees, right?

I mean the one that details his kindness towards soldiers on duty in the snow in Lordaeron (a prince bringing them hot tea), his friendship with a peasant boy, his kindness towards Taretha when at Durnholde Keep and how he refused to “use her” for the purpose she had been sent to him for. How he was upset by the realization of what she had been sent to him for, and had her just stay and chat, to provide her at least some reprieve? That one?

" At some point, about ten years ago, Blackmoore made Taretha his mistress, a position she secretly despised (there are references to strange bruises on her wrists). At some point, Arthas Menethil visited Durhholde Keep in order to watch Thrall in a fight. Arthas remained in the keep during the next night. Aedelas sent Taretha to Arthas to please him however, Arthas and Taretha were just chatting."

Don’t bother trying to push your anti Arthas agenda with me, sunshine. It’s not going to work.


Arthas soul was split like Sylvanas and Uther.

Just do the DK artifact quest and Bolvar tells you to purge the blades of remaining spirits where you meet Arthas and Ner’zhul. Here you fight the light version of Arthas and expel him from Frostmourne.

The fading orb in the cinematic was just his dark version.