His Name Was Arthas Menethil

Says the person simping for some dumb blonde dude who’s been long dead and gone.

I would consider this a fine comeback if I were on the current writing team, I suppose.

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Not me.

Nor am I team Arthas.

I enjoy a good story and, for me, Arthas’s story is exceptional.

I also did really enjoy Sylvanas’s story, especially after I made an Undead character and really began to understand the completeness of their tragedy.

Unfortunately, this ‘twist’ has ruined her story for me. She is no longer the woman who stood up, cared for, led and legitimized the Undead. She is now the woman who allowed herself to be manipulation into committing unspeakable atrocities.

It’s not her fault, you say, she only had half a soul! That makes it even worse because she is responsible for nothing, the good, the bad or the ugly she did. She had no autonomy, no agency, she was nothing but a tool which subtracts her as her completely from the story.

I cannot believe the stupid story decisions Blizzard has made in their quest to keep her front and center.


If Blizzard restored Arthas, redeemed him and made him KING of the Alliance…WoW would get subs back and people would begin playing the Alliance again.


i want to see henry cavill as a wisp

they’re both psychopathic narcissists. but to me her story is more tragic because she was trying to save her people and was forced into undeath. he was just like YOLO and made one boneheaded choice after another with no consideration of the consequences. he literally did it all to himself. she, however, didn’t raise herself as a banshee. they were both psychopathic narcissists before their downfalls though. i just found him to be too dumb to actually be sympathetic.

Arthas is only as evil as grom hellscream for drinking demon blood. They were doing what they believed they had too to save their people in the absolute worst times you could imagine. Certainly not perfect leaders or people but they were not evil.

Arthas just never got freedom enough from his corruption to see what he did. When he doubted his path, the helm would convince he was wrong… to the degree of tearing our his own heart to rid him of “weakness” and erasing the last memories of who he used to be.

The burning legion is terrible.

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he chose to do what he did. even blizz said so. they did a 180 retcon for both characters this expansion but people are angry because he got dusted and sylvanas is getting a redemption arc. he’s been MIA since wrath in any meaningful capacity and people were even told he wasn’t going to be a big thing in shadowlands. she however has been the star of the show for expansions and it was very clear a lot of stuff would involve her this expansion. people got their hopes up with their own wishful thinking and are now lashing out at blizzard and sylvanas fans. as if fans control blizzards writing. i’ve said before that i didn’t think they would redeem her and i understood. but now they are. and now the shoes on the other foot an it feels a bit nice to prance around like a peacock.

It’s not the big expectations, it’s was blizzard saying themselves “We wanna be careful and do his character right”… What they did was not right at all and very trashy.

If you think that’s really what would fix this game I cannot believe how deluded and wrong you are. Arthas is dead. Stop beating a dead horse.

God, that is an amazing!

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Huh lol

I like Sylvanas too to an extent but saying Arthas was evil before he was manipulated by demons is like saying Sylvanas was evil before her soul got ripped out of her body. She wasn’t and neither was Arthas.

To be clear, I haven’t even watched the new cinematic or anything. I just like his story. This is just how I understand his story from the books,

what would have made yall happy except him getting a redemption arc? he got a quiet goodbye. that was best case scenario for what actually could’ve happened. the focus atm (right or wrong) is on sylvanas’ and given it’s been many years of active development they weren’t going to yolo arthas one when they want the spotlight on her. it isn’t rational to expect what some players seem to want, given context.

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No. Hes actually undead.

You mean Invincible?


Who we taking about again? Some nobody we won’t remember?

Sylvanas story isn’t so bad actually just the way it’s been told was dragged out to high heaven. Too many mysteries without answers for too long was all. Some of the answers make me scratch my head and go back in time to think about her story before it all. In a way it is just a retelling of her story but this time she is given clarity she was not granted before Arthas. She is herself finally. Something many of the corrupted characters in WoW have not gotten the chance of. So it’s cool but took forever heh.

Arthas story and fall was so much better done than Darth Vaders fall. It was the absolute best.

He was also voiced by the same person who did the voice acting for this…

Scorpion Vs. Netherrealm Scene | Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge - YouTube

Artanis Alone Badass Cinematic - YouTube

Patrick Seitz | Talking Voices (Part 1) - YouTube This guy.


The King is dead. Long live the Queen.
(And do note from my post history I am no Sylvanas fan-boy either).

Obligatory Sound File:

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RIP Arthas you died at the right moment in Wrath of the Lich King and will continue to remain wondering in the depths of old wow lore in heck. Atleast better than canon.

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Never forget King Arthur, the Lick King.