His Name Was Arthas Menethil

people seem to forget the reason he was so popular is because he was such a great villain. you loved to hate him. once people lost their minds over sylvanas getting too much screen time he magically morphed into anti hero territory in alliance minds. he’s always been a villain. even before he picked up frostmourne.

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you can see who likes each post… you are liking posts you say you don’t agree with.

See mine is that Kel’thuzad rescued him from the Maw and opened a spirit cat cafe rescue.


aight, i’m done with you.

Bye troll, you are no longer allowed freedom of chili fries!


you randomly picked a fight with me but you do you.

Strong male characters have been decimated and/or killed off : Arthas, Uther, Varian, Tirion, Garosh, Saurfang, Cairne Bloodhoof come to mind (not even worth mentioning what they did or havent done with Baine, Thrall, Bolvar, Muradin, Magni). Yet they cant kill any notable female ones even when they are raid bosses: Jaina, Azshara, Sylvanas, Tyrande.
Its starting to look like a conspiracy/balancing out act or lack of ideas in the storytelling.


you randomly came in here to insult people.

You don’t do you, learn some manners.


back at you, sir

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Already drinkin my 4th bottle of water

now that’s funny.

Fear drove Sylvanas. Fear alone. Fear of her second death.

Then she decided death was unfair and like a cake she wanted to have it and eat it too, but the jailer decided it was carrot cake and she was hoping for coconut.

Now that she regrew a conscious, she’s now abstaining from cake and has replaced fear with remorse and sadness for a manipulated being who wasn’t dominated like Anduin and now shes championing a resolution to the final conflict she willfully helped orchestrate as long ago they broke from the lich kings control, btw.

To what end? Probably still a selfish one, but one the player is not privy to, because the narrative is selective omniscient unironically oxymoronic


:dragon_face: :ocean: :dragon_face: :ocean: :dragon_face: :ocean:


What I wish for is a Lich king movie about Arthas. It would have to be like a trilogy though.


think about all the stuff he did though. the movie would be way too dark for general audiences. like think about what the average marvel movie is about.

went from a badass to doing nothing as a wisp


henry cavill as arthas :+1:


Oh my gosh, he’s perfect!


Read the book.


Long live Sylvanas :slight_smile:

Purge the furry creature and his Banshee simping…


look, i like you too much to have bad blood between us because you like arthas and i don’t. it’s just a game. arthas guys made power slide shots at us for years.

as long as she is left in the Slands when this is over…fine.

Her presence has been accepted. Not thrilled about it but it is what it is.

Leave her to play with the sland people and many would take that at this point.

Horde has a female lead now. She even looks good showing some skin. they need waifu material its time to promote First Arcanist. Looks nice, has magical powers, and her only mistake was following orders like the rest of the air head leaders of the horde.

Who I can’t blame. writers have written horde leaders to be mindless twits for years.

Yes garrosh…blood in the streets. on it.

Lor’thamar turns to Baine…man I can’t wait for the story to get to the revolt part, this sucks.

Baine goes I know, right. Gonna be a long year or so.

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