[H]Illidan <Stars Of Nine> AOTC Focused 8-11 CST

Another week, another bump.

Looking for a few more people to fill out a mythic roster.

Room for flexible players who can do it all depending on attendance.
At least one full time healer, and lots of hybrid slots open.

It is Bump day. Come hang out with some chill people. Achievement raids, alt raids, mythic progress, coming soon to a raid near you.


WE DA BEST. (and DJ Khalid)

Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump Bump BUMP BUMP

LFM for some light mythic progression.

Boom Bump Shaka laka

Bump bump bumppppp yes this is a complete sentence blizzard.

Patch Day BUMP, where the healers at? Where the Melee buffs at?

Tuesday Bump. Are we going to start pugging mythic? absolutely maybe.

Lookin for almost anything bump

Yee Old 9.2 recruitment BUMP.

Come play with us.

BUMP Lets get some!

Bump Again. Would love another guaranteed healer/flex healer

Id like to chat with you about your guild!

Discord is Ripleey#0501

Another ONE

Full on Warriors but could use a ranged body or two, maybe another healer flex, yolo hit me up.


Still pretty full on warriors, Probably Lock heavy.

Could use a 2nd mage maybe. maybe another flexible healer/dps of any spec.

and of course, any other exceptional players.

Got a few spots left for normal/heroic. I wanna bring 30 people to raid because i think thats FREAKING AWESOME.

Bump, a few raid spots left, come start the raid with us!

Bump, First raid night was a smashing success, 5/11 Normal Down easy peasy. Clean up Sunday and then Heroic wipes incoming soon.

Always looking for a few more DPS, We’ve got the “bring the player not the class” mantra, but it’d be nice if those players were an extra mage, a havoc boi, Windwalker and DK. Hit me up, we got room for you bb.

Im a havok dh and i have a holy pally friend and casual warrior friend that would be following me. Im interested but have a couple questions if you got a sec. SeaBass#11179

Sorry I never check this thread, I’m assuming thats BNET, added you. Talk to you soon.