[H]Illidan <Stars Of Nine> AOTC Focused 8-11 CST

Moar boar wants more bodies to hit the floor with. Moar Boar

Bump, Starting that heroic push, Lets get some.

LF a another healer, and a swing healer/dps… and a couple DPS, another lock would be nice, maybe an enhancement shaman or a nice mage.

10/11 Normal,
3/11 Heroic,
Got those tier bosses on farm and pushing heroic.

Taking it sleazy.

Looking for more heals and a couple more ranged DPS,

Come slap the jailer like he’s Chris Rock.

Pre raid day tomorrow, letsss gooooooo tier boss pinata lettss goooo

Tier Bosses on farm heroic Prog on lock lettsss goooo looking for another badass healer and more badass dps always

Sunday Night Bumperino. Normal tier bosses on farm, heroic bosses dropping leetss goooo Healers and Locks and ??? hit me up baby

Tuesday night bump night.

Big Vaults, No Whammys.

Thursday Night Raid night Bump.

A Few DPS raid spots open and always room for flexible healers/dps

End of raid week bump.

Looking for a couple more big baller DPS to compliment our other big baller DPS. Maybe one more healer idk.

Start of week bump. Big Vaults don’t lie.

Need more big pumps to compliment our big pumps.

Bumping for DPS. Message Tuarham on Discord.

Raid night bump.

A tank spot is becoming available.
Might have a healer spot coming up.
Always room for all DPS.

Sunday night bump,

All gas All Progression lets get these last 3.

Bump Bump Always on the hunt for bodiesssss


Bump, always looking for healers and dps

Bump bumpity Bump BUmp Bump[

Bump Bump For Dragon Flight start.

bump bump bump bump buppmer


Resto druid here with possible interest…provided you have room for a healer…have you settled on your raid days and times?