[H]Illidan <Stars Of Nine> AOTC Focused 8-11 CST



Letsss goooo.

Hump Day Bump day.


Still room for more DPS (We have everything so you can be anything!)

Bump For always in need of another body
maybe some DK and warlock love?
And any other DPS who shows up for raids.

… DPS DPS DPS! Last week of normal then full time Heroic Lets goooo.

Heeeeeyooooo dpsssss oooo

Full on Mail Wearers.
Unless you want to join an all hunter/shaman raid.
Where all the cloth friends at?

Bump for EZ 6/10H

Always on the hunt for flexible healers and a DPS Or two.

Its reset day lets get them vaaaaaults lettss goooooo bump bump bump

Wednesday Hump Day Bump Day

Did you know that sharks can’t swim backwards?

Fri-YAY! Bump.

Still hunting for that flex healer. nom nom nom

Sunday Night Prog night, letsss gooo!

Its Bumping time. 10/10H AOTC Looking for more badasses to keep the dream alive.

Bump Bump Bump Bump. This is a bump

Todays Bump is brought to by Farming Heroic Until your eyes fall out

This is your daily bump coming at you LIVE from INSIDE the jailers CHESTHOLE

Bump bump bump it up. ez 9/10 reclear. Queens going down on sunday again!

Saturday Night BUmperino

Another week, another queen down. Come get you some.