Small group looking for the right guild!


Group of 3 (US)- Illidan Horde Preferred. We ALL have 2k io experience.

  • Mage 238 ilvl ,9/10H
  • Shadow Priest 244 ilvl, 9/10H 3/10M
  • Holy Priest 240 ilvl ,9/10H 3/10M

Here’s what we are looking for.

  • Small to Medium sized guild (East Coast raid times preferred but not a deal breaker)
  • Raid Times starting no later than 9pm EST (6pm PST) and Ending no later than 12am EST (9pm PST)
  • Minimum 9/10 Heroic Progression with at least with casual progression into Mythic (not a maybe we might)
  • Active M+ community looking to push KSM every tier.
  • Active Discord (we are all very social and looking for like minded people)

If you feel like we might fit with your guild. Please add me to realID so we can chat. Unus#1433

Still Looking around for the right fit!

heeeey baaaabyyyy Lets be friends…