High Queen of the Alliance

I vote Moira, already unites the dwarves, dwarves have been active in the Alliance since forever, keeps the powerbase on EK, strong kingdom on all fronts, chance for character growth.

I do not think we need a queen tbh. Jaina can be Lord Admiral but Anduin is my king for the time being.

This expansion has enough strong female characters in it. No, really. We’re fine.

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Is there any non-human lady interested in marrying Anduin?

Also, it has been ruled for human males for countless generation because it’s a human medieval feudalistic society, just like most Night elf priests and sentinels are females, it’s the way they builded their society.

Lore has stated time and again that portals are not useful for moving military forces. It’s exactly why the factions are fighting over navies in BfA. It’s why Khadger himself stated he could only bring through a few builders during WoD. It’s why no large military force in all of Warcraft has “teleported” outside of through the Dark Portal which took monumental effort, the help of a Dark Titan, and countless years of effort.

Stormwind did what they could, which was use all of their magical resources, as well as seeking help from Dalaran, to undertake a large scale portal evacuation, the likes of which has never been done on such a scale before. As was stated in lore multiple times, there was no way for the Alliance fleet to arrive in time, the Kaldorei fleet could barely do so and they were much closer.

As for the Kaldorei fleet, Elegy doesn’t say who decided the Nightelves should go to Silithus. However it definitely makes it sound like it was Tyrande and Malfurions decision in the following passage, “He and Tyrande had fallen for a ruse. They had sent their fleet south, toward Silithus, exactly as the Horde had wished them to.” So again, this doesn’t appear to be the fault of Anduin or Stormwind.

So yeah. Basically the only paragraph of your post that had any substance lacks any real basis.

beacuse it would be a refreshing change of pace. not to mention that the kingdom of stormwind has been ruled by male heirs alone since before recorded lore. meaning that techincally, the human kingdom is a firm patriarchy, this is confirmed by varian inheriting the throne, when in fact the throne should have gone to his elder sister adarial.

now, since this specific lore was from a time before the alliance of the races, i guess you could overlook it considering times were different and people were probably a bit close-minded and dare say racist. however… after the alliance, one would think that the throne would have no preference of race of sex, it being an “alliance” and all.

If you insist, love. I already own my own tiara.


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after becoming an alliance, things like that are naturally swayed by change. since if they were kept, it would probably cause tension between the races, cultures would clash. compromise is needed

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It may be because of my idiotic shipping tendencies, but I think he should shackup with Cloudsinger.

Because why the hell not? Lets go full chaos mode here and really throw the SW nobles for a loop.

I am finding zero search results for Adarial or Varain having a sister at all.

Adarial is a character purely specific to the Warcraft movie. In the Warcraft canon Varian has no siblings. So no its not a patriarchy, its just a standard monarchy. Anduin was Varian’s only child and therefor inherited the throne, just like Varian did before him, and just like Llane before him, and so on.

Your mistake is thinking the Warcraft movie is canon. Its not, and took many liberties.

That’s because she’s a character from the Warcraft movie, not the Warcraft canon. OP is mistaken.



I think we need a firm dwarven fist to rule over us. Find one with mightiest beard.


I mean, it’s not like I particularly care. Either play nice, or be prepared to have a hard time.

Preach little lady!

High Queen Nomi

May Stormwind Kitchens never be safe from now on!

Seriously. You don’t need a high queen, you need to kneel to your king. A Queen put in position just because shes a woman, will not do very well.

Look at Queen Elizabeth II. She is a queen and she is doing really well.

She wasn’t made queen out of thin air. She was the rightful heir