High Queen of the Alliance

you already have a high queen… shes anduin

She’s dead. I killed her in BRD. I don’t know who that woman prancing around Ironforge is.

The only way to become Queen is to marry Anduin. Anduin so far has not shown any motivations to marry a non-human.

I was hoping he would marry Arthas’ sister (A Menethil of Royal Lordaeron Blood) but sadly she was killed by Sylvanas.

That said, he will marry I guarantee it, it’s his duty to produce an heir. Greymane will force him to marry.

What, I thought this is the second High King of the Alliance since the game went live? Varian was the first High King and now Andiun, who was being groom for the role while Varian was still alive.

So by “countless generations” you actually mean like 10 years.

I’m more worried abou the lack of heirs to the throne of Stormwind. Our boy Manduin could get hit by a stray chaos bolt any day!

I volunteer as tribute!