High Queen of the Alliance

Thanks for bringing up something I wanted to forget …

Does wearing a dress count?

Given the high mortality rate of human kings, it’s really only been one full generation. Even for the comparatively short-lived humans, the original foundation of the Alliance of Lordaeron is still well within living memory, let alone the Alliance of Stormwind.

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Lol, you are most welcome.

If you want refugees overtaking and destroying a faction from within, go to the Horde.


Truth baby!

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I nominate Azshara simply to see the look on Tyrande, Maiev and Malfurion’s faces.

Countless generations? Isn’t the Alliance like 50 years old? It was formed as a reaction to Stormwind getting yeeted on by the Horde.


Basically yes. The Alliance wasn’t the Alliance until Anduin Lothar basically said to the other human kings:

“ight bros, so if we don’t like unite by tomorrow we’re gonna’ get all of our kingdoms lok’tar ogar’d”



She was groomed (reluctantly) from birth to be a Queen.

She’s the kind of firebrand we need on the throne.


Isn’t it just now on the second generation? High King has only been a thing since Vanilla era alliance if I recall. The alliance in war2 and 3 didn’t have a high king.

Stormwind on the other hand has been ruled be several generations of human kings.

Though by your logic Tyrande needs to be replaced as leader of the night elves as she’s been ruling for over 10000 years.

So what, Alliance needs to become a more evil faction :smiling_imp:

This right here. Besides, if the dwarves were in charge, we would just settle every dispute with a drinking contest.

It would certainly make things easier.


10 charters

Easier…not better.

My question was directed at the OP

I need this in my life…so much