High Queen of the Alliance

It will happen if the story that Blizzard writes lets it happen. Anduin just got into the seat, hopefully we won’t see a shakeup for a while yet.

or, how about we drop this whole high king thing and act like the alliance we are


Thank you, thank you.


The Night Elves are the clear best choice here. There is no reason we as the superior species of the Alliance should be submitting ourselves to some lowly human, especially some lowly human boy.

Tyrande has literally millenia of experience in leadership over Anduin.

The current state of things is just utterly silly. And at least in terms of the Warcraft universe, both sexist and racist.

The humans were utterly worthless when it came to our defense in Teldrassil. Worthless. We got deliberately pulled out of our homes we could have defended to go on a mad chase to Silithus by the command of the “High King”, and then when our city and families and friends were assaulted we couldn’t even get the Humans to commit defenses to us. How hard would it have been to open a bunch of damned Teldrassil portals and march forces through to help defend.

I’m sick of the humans. The Elves should rule by right.

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We already have a High Queen,

her name is Anduin.


My support for you is eternal, milady.

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Ever watch game of thrones. No queens!

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Hippie voice “How can I hit a new low when I’m this high, man?”

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High Princesses!


i just threw up a little


Yeah, whatever happened to councils? I mean, the dwarves figured this out, shouldn’t the whole Alliance be… you know, an alliance of many leaders? Why does one person have to be in charge?

That’s just begging for Dreadlord shenanigans. …I know, the Legion is scattered, but come on, they were able to slip in a fake Shaw without anybody noticing; localized power in the Alliance is not a good thing.


Tyrande? No.

Moira Thaurissan? Sure!


That’s the most corny thing I’ve seen in awhile :grin:

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Alliance already has a high queen, it just happens to have an outie instead of an innie.

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Have you ever seen that thing with Garrosh as Sailor Moon?

Wow, you must be really bad at math that you can’t count to two. The Alliance in all it’s iterations has only existed for around thirty years.


This is amazing

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Phew, I can smell the social justice through the computer screen.

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I too agree that we should elect our next leader based on gender and race.

Why the gender of a fictional character matters so much?