High heels!

I watched it regularly a few years back, because my ex enjoyed it. It was amusing in the same sense most of those competition reality programs are. Like a more catty version of America’s Next Top Chef.

Croc high heels


That is an abomination.


Or the other one where a drag queen thought she was one because she was shopping for bigger shoes at a place often frequented by them.

I remember that one.

Man, that was such a good show. It was never afraid to tell stories other fellow more realistic sitcoms wouldn’t dream of touching.

I liked it.

There’s a reboot or revival in the works so that’ll be fun

That will either be awful or awesome.

You ever see the fan theory that Boomhauer was a government agent assigned to spy on Dale, but went completely native?

Yep, my belf has a long back so high heels would definitaly help

He was a texas ranger according to the finale.

I just liked that the show was like “Yeah they’re conservative but they’re not jerks”. I’m over in arizona so that show is kind of a “I’m kinda homesick for my family” comfort show.

Yeah, that’s where the theory came from. He was picked as a local boy to infiltrate his way easy into Dale’s life.

All in favor?


I love this, this will be the final scene in Shadowlands. But don’t forget the part where we all strut towards him in high heels, led by Anduin, Sylvanas, and Baine.

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Everyone can wear heels except draenei, tauren and pandas.

Draenei and tauren have hooves and pandas apparently have sandles nailed to their feet.

Trolls kinda have that weird three toe, clown shoe thing. Doubt they make them in their size.

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Closest heels I can find for trolls.

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/looks down at feet

For all I can tell, I AM wearing high heels.


Pretty much everyone would be peeing their pants :rofl::clown_face:

i say on u , is goodjob , bc i can put my best to in a windo , look alot nise get a hair stiles , get a butt wash , get a good oufit , is nise i wanna look alot fansy


hugs Brahmina

You are beautiful regardless of footwear.