HIGH ELVES in Shadowland moving forward

Blizzard, here me out. I offer two solutions that can fix your issue with the players and their demand of having a playable high elf race.

Solution 1: storyline wise, we all know that kael renamed his people from high elf to blood elf in honor of their fallen. So why not write a story line where the remaining degenerate “high elves” currently hiding in the alliance return to silver moon and become blood elf? You already have the resources in game such as blue eyes and what not, just write a crappy pilgrimage story line back to silvermoon and be done with “BUHLLIZERD, I WUNT MUH HYYYEEE ULLLLF.

Solution 2: Kill the remaining high elves in the alliance.
By removing the entire “high elf” population in the alliance you can now argue that there’s no way to be able to play as “high elf” in the alliance since there is no such race in the alliance.

Think about it, blizzard.


Or just do nothing, because the small percentage of people who continue to spam the forums with high elf threads are not reflective of the general population of the game.


Solution 3 … they can join the Ren’dorei


I like this idea better. I love my purple tentacle elves!


Really this is the best and easiest way. Just have Varrissa and the rest of them join officially with the Velfs. They could even use it as an excuse to give Velfs the non-blue skin variations.


This tbh.

Quel’dorei seeking more power for the Alliance, or Sin’dorei seeking to leave a warmongering faction of savages are welcome.


I support killing off the Helves…starting with any and all Windrunners. Well okay lets just kill ALL the Windrunners and then we can allow the other degenerates to return home to Silvermoon.

Or they can go blueberry like the Velves. But no High Elf skins for Velves. I’m sick of people trying to change the Velves to suit their legolas fantasies. Velves are not Alleria who is a special snowflake case of Void Elf and they are not the lilly white perfect little human arm candies either. Stop trying to freakin change them into this.


Sin’dorei do not want to join the warmongering savages of the Alliance thank you. We’re quite happy with the Horde.


Except the ones who realize their mistake and come crawling back to us: the Ren’dorei. It’s a terrible fate being stuck with a faction that kicks you out of your own homeland, wages war, loses every war, then proceeds to have leadership issues.


I don’t recall crawling back to them. It was more like Alleria said, hey lets go here and it was better than that stupid rock we were stuck on.

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You repeated what I said.

They rejoined with us.


Again I will repeat, we did not come crawling back to you. Alleria invited us.


To rejoin the Alliance.

Which is exactly what the Ren’dorei did.


All they need to do is add a lighter skin tone and hair that isnt tentacley to void elves. Thats literally all it takes to satisfy the majority of people who want them.

Pulling stuff like you see the OP suggesting is just gonna upset people even more.

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They were only kicked out of the Horde because of the effect of the Void on the Sunwell. They fact that we still can talk together shows that at the heart of things, there is, or should be, very little animosity between Blood Elves and Void Elves.

Truly, the Alliance also has blood on their hands, and no matter how hard you wipe, the stain remains.

The situation within the Horde is looking very strong at the moment.

Personally, I adore Void Elves.

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But they Void Elves should not be watered down into a crappy High Elf wannabe. They have a unique look from the Belves even though its the same model. They are not meant to be Helves, they look the way they do for a reason and it doesn’t need to be changed to hush the cries of a vocal minority. And there are non tentacle hair options. But their skin need not change, that is just ruining what makes them different from Belves.


Considering their leader Alleria is exactly what people are asking for I dont think anything is being watered down here.

Also, considering your previous post, I feel you’re only trying to be purposefully antagonistic.


When they enlist as soldiers to the 7th Legion to kill war criminals and genocidal maniacs, those sides were chosen, animosity exists.

There’s no need to pivot to what the Alliance does to defend itself from war criminals and savages.

The situation in the Horde is getting better I agree as well. The council was a good idea, really it just needs guidance from the Alliance. It worked for Saurfang, so it’s evident that the Horde requires some sort external oversight from us.

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Lol, the patriarchy, patronising and entitled.

No thank you.

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Then in any case we can trust the good ones such as Baine to help your government not collapse again and lose another war.