High Elves and Void Elves Have More Rights to Silvermoon Than Lor'themar's Blood Elf Insurgents

Except that not all Sin’dorei succeeded from the Alliance Willingly.
There were many Sin’dorei who opposed forsaking the Alliance, their long time Allies, in favor of Allying with the Very Horde that ravaged their lands but a few year prior. Until they were Brainwashed by Rommath’s Magisters.

Lorewise, as much as RP-wise, many Sin’dorei left Silvermoon in protest.

They did join the Horde, which was predominantly lead by the orcs. Hell, the Silvermoon elves left the Alliance claiming it was the Alliance fault their forest burned and then had the gall to join them later on. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Orcs were never the mortal enemies of the High Elves or Blood Elves. Former enemies from one war, yes, but hardly qualifying them as mortal enemies. Try again please.

I would say that depends on who you ask. The Windrunners(particularly Alleria) probably hated them more than the Amani. The void elves apparently had little trust in them. You can have more than one mortal enemy afterall.

You’re putting way too many conditionals for this to even qualify as a rebuttal. “Depends who you ask”, “but Alleria”, “maybe void elves”. None of those are actual canon, only supposition. Alleria might hate the orcs more, but she also might not. After all, a thousand years fighting demons changes perspectives from a single war. The void elves, as former blood elves (per Umbric identifying as a former blood elf) probably don’t hate the orcs more, given they were allies recently.

Yeah, there’s likely some outlier cases. Since we’re talking generalities and have been this whole time, your “maybe possibly might be” cases are utterly irrelevant.


You are making your own assumption that the elves, certain alot of them, didn’t hate the Horde just as much if not more so then the Amani and considered them just as dangerous. Hell, if Silvermoon had its way the orcs would all be dead. That should show you how much they hated/feared the orcs.

Nor did the void elves trust them. Certainly the seem to prefer the Alliance at the very least.

Given the blood elves allied with the orcs and not the Amani, I’m not making an unreasonable assumption. Given there has been nothing but documented hostility between the Amani and the orcs, I’m not making an assumption. Given that “blood enemy” inherently means a long standing hostility, I’m not making an assumption.

Prove that headcanon, Zarde. Because the void elves didn’t choose to leave; they were cast out. Nothing says they had any negative opinions about orcs at all. You’re not just making assumptions here, you’re leaping and grasping.


The blood elves tried to ally as well with the Amani on the urging of the Horde. So again that makes that point moot.

“We do not stand with the Alliance out of convenience. Nor is it a mere gesture of thanks to Alleria.
Our ordeal has taught us the importance of great powers being in the right hands. We could not allow the Horde to know the things we know, or to use us as a weapon in their schemes.”-Umbric

When did this happen?

And not a single word there mentions orcs, let alone having a grudge against them. So leaping and grasping.

Come on, you’re better than this.


They are working as well with the raventusk. A Forest Troll tribe/was part of the Amani empire. Hell, said forest troll tribe followed Zul’jin back in the day.

Then my wording could be better. They certainly have nothing positive to say about the Horde, which include the Horde.

The Revantusk has already left the Amani behind, per Classic quests. The entire reason they send Horde players to fight other forest trolls is because they were outcasts among the forest trolls. Nothing has been said or mentioned about how the blood elves feel about this, so it does not support any reading that the blood elves hated the orcs more than the Amani. It’s as far removed from reason as saying because Velen worked with the blood elves, he’s secretly a member of the Horde. At best, it suggests the blood elves might-maybe-possibly hate one specific tribe of forest trolls and not the entire race, an argument I’m totally okay with.

I never disputed an outcast people harbor ill will against people who have cast them out. Irrelevant.

You stated the void elves (possibly) hated the orcs more than the trolls. This does nothing to prove it. Hell, the Horde has trolls too, so it proves my argument as much as your own.

Stop social distancing from basic logic and simple reasoning. You’re better than this. I’ve seen you do better than this.


There’s nothing hypocritical about these decisions.


Alleria visted Quel’thelas under false pretenses to try to foment dissent and rebellion against the Horde. Her presence not only threathened the Sunwell itself but also civil unity. He was fully in his rights to have her executed, he chose to be humane and exile her back to her masters in the Alliance.


It might, especially since elves seem to develop into new species pretty readily when exposed to strong sources of magic. But as things turned out, the Blood Elves were not exposed to fel for all that long, and the changes it did cause (eye color) are fading. So I don’t think they did develop into a separate species.


See Grandblade, this is an appropriate response. Love it.

0/10, OP

You didn´t even post this on Sunday… terribad trolling, must improve.


You’e fixated on the name. It’s the Blood Elves point of view that they and they alone represent the history and the culture of Quel’thelas that unlike the so-called High Elves who abandoned their homeland, they stuck it out through the hard times and renamed themselves IN HONOR of those who fell. And again, originally it was nothing more than a change in name.


I didn’t say she was right. I’m obviously going to disagree. But her response is appropriate.

She turned the situation that was presented to her, into her favor, to make Alleria out to be a villain and Lor’themar out to be a hero. Her response was awesome.

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What are you guys arguing about

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She didn’t turn any situation in her favor. She literally just told you what happened. Everything she said was correct.

YOU’RE the one twisting stuff. Don’t presume to patronize anyone, you’re in no position to do so with the absolute hot garbage that spews from that gaping hole where your common sense should be.