High Elves and Void Elves Have More Rights to Silvermoon Than Lor'themar's Blood Elf Insurgents

I think you’re just a Blood Elf lover. You defend them like you are one.

Not to mention you hate on Humans, Human Paladins, and Male Human Paladins. :frowning: Sad day.

I’m indifferent towards Blood Elves. I like them like I like pretty much every other race in game. But what you are saying is objectively incorrect, and it’s boorish of you to degrade any criticism to “you must love Blood Elves.”

And the only reason I’m critical towards Male Human Paladins is because most of them act like you. Which, if you weren’t aware, is well worth the treatment. Get over yourself.


No it’s not. You’re just being sexist, racist, and classist.

Also, no. What you said about Blood Elves is objectively incorrect. Blood Elves are not saints, like you believe. They are absolutely some of the most sinful people in WoW. Just read Night of the Dragon.

What the other poster said was also objectively incorrect, but I respected her post because of the passion in it, and disdain shown towards Alleria. It was admirable. Idk why you don’t respect that in posters.

It’s called getting into character.

This is supposed to be a place of fun chats. Come on, lol, have some fun. Don’t be so negative. :heart:

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There’s an entirely different subforum for that.


It’s unfortunately not very active the times I have checked it.

I’ve gotten the “this isn’t the RP forum response” so many times, it’s burned into my screen. Since this is a discussion forum people tend to assume that anything said here is OOC and should remain that way.

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I think I’ve had my first “Your approval brings me shame.” moment.


Don´t waste your time, Zerde is literally and deliberately irrational in anything regarding Quel´thalas being Horde since TBC times (he´s basically the exhibit A of a disgruntled Helf fan still complaining over Quel´thalas not being Alliance like in WC2).


I fail to see how I’m being any of those things.

This is the Story Forum. Not the RP forums. Here, you should be able to take an objective look at the story, not an in-character one. If you can’t separate your in-character perspectives from your story forum perspectives, then God help you.

I respect other posters. I just don’t respect you.

None of what you’ve said has disproved anything that Arlessa, or basically everyone else in this thread, has told you. Your only argument against it now is one situated WITHIN the bounds of the game. That’s not an argument at all, that is just a stance for your character to take, and doesn’t actually affect anything within the realms of what actually occurs in the story.

You can believe that Blood Elves are the most “sinful people” in WoW - lord knows I have my criticisms of them myself. But calling someone evil does not magically make everything they do evil. It’s convenient that when the Blood Elves turn against Kael’thas, they’re evil and have no right to the kingdom. But when the Void Elves are nothing but complacent in it (as they should have been given that Kael’thas was a member of the Legion), they somehow have more of a right to the kingdom. That is you RPing a character who favors the Alliance regardless of the situation - that is not you being objective.

If you could differentiate the two, then maybe I’d respect you. As it stands, you’re a waste of space on these forums that contributes literally nothing good. You lie constantly, condescend when they have the audacity to disagree with your hot garbage, and then cry like the whiny manbaby you are when they dish it back to you.

Grow up.


Literally the first point on the Blizzard pinned thread, ‘read this before you post’ is to be objective.


Anomaly, why are you wasting time with this literal meme of a Male Human Pally poster?

If it wasn´t obvious, this guy just wants to troll, no more and no less.

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The days in quarantine are getting long.

Listen, I am an Void elf fan but this is inaccurate. By the time the Horde reached Outland, Kael already reached out to the Legion. Kael betrayed the blood elves. Pilgrims who reached Netherstorm were put to work in harsh conditions.


Fantastic thread! :joy:


I think they usually only say that if they disagree with you. I also feel like a lot of people don’t understand that players are going to have a particular bias towards their faction.

Think of an example like the Purge of Dalaran. Blood Elf players are going to think Jaina was a complete monster for her actions. Other Horde will think negatively of her as well, but Blood Elf players will take it personally.

Whereas Alliance players either won’t care about Jaina’s actions, or just straight up think they were justified.

And that’s not coming from an OOC perspective, though I suppose you could attribute some OOC perspective as to why someone picked a particular race, class, and faction, but for the most part, people’s reactions to in-game and lore events are based off of their own IC perspective.

Anyone who grew up with Warcraft, and who has played WoW for years, no matter how out of touch they are with the lore of the game, will still feel some identity with their main character.

On another note: Come to think about it, at this point I’ve had Jawah for more years than I have not. Wow. But see? Like, at this point, Jawah is such a fundamental part of my life, lol.

We rather took it as writers portraying her as a horribly irresponsible leader and an airhead politiks wise… as usual. Or more objectively, as the well known “muh fav character pseudo self-insert” syndrome polluting the writting team making it´s well known apparition in game.

Headcanon =/= lore, dude. The perspective of players is literally irrelevant.


There’s a difference between acknowledging a bias (and trying to keep it in check) versus actively encouraging them. Again, very first pinned point for this forum.


I think the funny thing is though, given the fact of the active war going on, the severity of the crime of the action, what its implications could mean further down the line, and Aethas’ complete dismissal of the issue, I do actually think Jaina made the most logical decision, given the awful situation presented to her.

Man, that woman getting over Theramore in the book was irrational and silly AF.

Everything afterwards is bvasically a bad comedy… Purge included.

Posting in a MHP thread.