High Elves and Void Elves Have More Rights to Silvermoon Than Lor'themar's Blood Elf Insurgents

Sorry that I’m at work, I guess?

You should be sorry for a lot of things.


If you don’t like me, why do you bother me so? Or is it just an in-character dislike? Because tbh it’s hard to tell. You get super personal and aggressive. I’m just here to chill and hang out and have a conversation, but you basically harass me.

Maybe tone it back, please?

Not one is a good example. Garithos never ruled the remaining lands of Lordaeron, nor was he recognized as such a ruler; he was in every way still acting as a military commander. Saiden would be, at best, a religious leader and also not taking a political position. Anduin Lothar, likewise, was strictly a military leader and not only did he not attempt to rule, his actions were limited to those a military leader should undertake; protecting the actual ruler and ensuring there was still a kingdom to rule.

And this is what happened. Thank you. I see you now understand how Lor’themar is the legitimate ruler of Quel’Thalas and your entire premise is flawed and false by its very basis.


Trust me, none of my opinions on you are in-character. Telling you you’re wrong and then reciprocating your condescending attitude with contempt is not you being harassed. You’re just reaping what you’re sowing.

If this is what you “chilling and hanging out” looks like, then I’d hate to see what you’re like actually trying to argue. Kindly cry me a river.

The 90 percent of the remaining High Elves who go by the name Blood Elves disagree with the 10 percent who ignored their native land at the time of it’s greatest need.

What you need to get through your osmium dense skull is that the Blood Elves ARE High Elves. they are 90 percent of the survivors of the Scourge genocide, the fact that they call themselves by another name to honor the vast majority of their countrymen who were wiped out by Arthas doesn’t change that.


Blood Elves are biologically and culturally different from High Elves. They are not the same.

And where did the Blood Elves come from again?


The only thing that separates a Blood Elf from a High Elf is a few years and their geographical placement during a massive tragedy. Hell, they’re even undoing much of the aesthetic changes now with the Sunwell’s restoration.


While I’m sure there are some amount of children born as blood elves, given that time has passed, the majority of the population were born high elves. You’re arguing that they no longer count as high elves just because they had the Azerothian equivalent of plastic surgery.

You’re clearly losing the momentum you started this thread with. I’d suggest either reaching inside and grabbing that inner troll by the shoulder and pulling him all the way back out, or walk away and make another thread based on headcanon and poor logic.

The latter is my preferred choice. Much more entertaining.


Reagent rules by Authority, not by Right. He has Authority granted to him by the Monarchy, but his power is entirely vested in the Monarchy.

It’s closer to a Business Position then a governing one, Where the Reagent is the Boss but he still answers to the Shareholders.

Not Head Canon. More Hyperbole.
He has a quote about “Never again shall a king reign in Silvermoon.”
Whether this is his belief or by his will is up to interpretation.

Biology isn’t really explored in Warcraft. Magic is the stand-in. I imagine any individual person has differences between them, though. Whether or not there’s more so for High and Blood Elves, last I saw was the WoW Encyclopedia saying it was just a naming situation.

We have pretty scant elaboration on the recent differences between their supposed cultures.


Just because Jawah is posting misinformation doesn’t mean you should, too. That Blood Elves and High Elves are the same species has nothing to do with the political nature of what they call themselves as. Blood Elves would not go by the name of High Elves any more. Blood Elves would not go by the name of Quel’dorei any more. For the very reason you mentioned, Blood Elves go by the name of Sin’dorei in honor of those that Arthas killed. Blood Elves are not the people who still call themselves High Elves, and if anything a Blood Elf might consider it insulting to be compared as such and disrespectful to their tribute to the fallen.


The name change does not change the fact that the Blood Elves lay full claim to the traditions of Quel’thelas. They consider their High Elf counterparts traitors for not coming to the aid of Quel’thelas when they were needed and allying with their enemies in the Alliance.

Jawah’s absurd claim that the High Elves have a superior claim because they retain their blonde hair and blue eyes is what I’m addressing.


Indeed. So, as stated, the Blood Elves are not the High Elves.

I remember the Devs saying quite different when addressing the demand for player High Elves for the umpteenth time. The Blood Elves after pretty much all were all born as High Elves. They are High Elves which have undergone mostly cosmetic changes… and when they first took that name…they hadn’t undergone any physical changes at all. That came later.


And then those very same devs literally gave the Alliance Blood Elves, so their Horde is waiting for you line didn’t hold up for long.


How long do two different groups of the same species need to become distinct enough to no longer be considered the same? I would imagine that prolonged exposure to fel would be enough to mutate some DNA enough for Blood Elves to be considered a different species of the same genus, but that’s splitting hairs this soon after the divide.

Smart people, help me out here.

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I guess it depends on if you mean lore wise or gameplay wise. Lore wise, for example, our best example is probably the Eredar and the Draenei, if they even can be considered two different species. Gameplay wise, the original playable Orcs and Mag’har Orcs are two different options, though they are probably still the same species as well.

That still makes the Void Elves traitors, though. I think some of them were politically Queldorei, but most were politically Sindorei and thus traitors to both the crown and the Alliance.

The only ones who can’t claim treason are mutually exclusive too: the political Queldorei betrayed Kael by secession and Kael’s sindorei also betrayed the Alliance by secession.

Basically no biological High Elf can throw stones at anyone, all of them betrayed someone somewhere.