High Elves and Void Elves Have More Rights to Silvermoon Than Lor'themar's Blood Elf Insurgents

When things went south between Kael’thas and Garithos, I didn’t see any sign of high elves coming to their prince’s defense. They all opted to stay with their human allies. When Kael’thas joined the Legion, they didn’t come to the banner of their prince either. They also have no claims to Quel’thalas.

Void Elves were still blood elves when Lor’themar rebelled against Kael’thas so they’re just as complacant. They have no rights to Quel’thalas.

I guess this means that no one has rights to Silvermoon. However, the blood elves are living their and have governance over the area. Quel’thalas is still Horde territory.

Carm usually says something is trolling if they don’t like the point of view :roll_eyes:

Actually the Amani have the rights to Silvermoon, and would have won it back by now if the game didn’t go out of its way to disparage and kick down Trolls.

He might start abusing kittens or something if we don’t sate him here.


That’s a bit extreme.

The Burning Legion does not genocide those that follow them. This is common knowledge. So having your faction join them isn’t betraying your race, lol.

Proof: Orcs, Highborne, Nightborne, Eredar, and all other races of demons and whatnot within the Legion’s employ.

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I don’t know about that. The talking void knife claimed it’s the Legion’s MO to betray their willing allies, and Tichondrius certainly implied such a thing was awaiting the nightborne after they’d served their purpose.


So, I know this thread has been filled with people proving how incorrect the premise really is, but I have the day off so I guess it’s my turn. We’ll start with the base premise as quoted above.

Blood elves are not “Lor’themar’s insurgents”. They are the former high elves who chose to stay with Kael’thas and obey his rule. The high elves are those who didn’t. So they have no claim to the throne by virtue of the fact they already disobeyed their king’s decree.

Regarding Lor’themar’s legitimacy; Kael’thas appointed him. That’s as legitimate as it gets. Since Lor’themar did not, as far as we know, send the Horde adventurers into TK to kill Kael, he’s not responsible for their actions by any but the most petulant of arguments. Claiming Kael’thas’s death delegitimizes him requires that Lor’themar’s own actions were a betrayal, which they were not.

As for the void elves… We know only a handful of details regarding their timeline, all of which points to Kael’thas already being deceased; blood elves were a thing (Umbric identified as one) and the sunwell was also a thing. Since the original iteration of the Sunwell was destroyed before Kael called his people blood elves, this Sunwell must have been the second iteration; post-Sunwell Plateau raid. Meaning at the time of Kael’thas’s demise, the void elves were still blood elves, and their transition had to have come later. If you could somehow invalidate the blood elves’ claim to the Sunwell, you’d also need to invalidate their claim.

Your entire premise has been found wanting.


The Burning Legion is built on lies and deception, and sees most every race as wholly disposable tools. The Legion uses you under the pretense that you’ll be spared, and then is willing to discard you once you’ve expended your usefulness. Also every race you just listed as “proof” has had their people routinely sacrificed. There was a whole wing of the Suramar questline showing that people who join up with the Legion are killed all the same.

Also even if it were true that the Legion cared for the Blood Elves, are you seriously saying that Lor’themar was WRONG for not buddying up with the Legion? The Legion that created the Scourge that wiped out 90% of Quel’thelas?

You’ve reached a level of braindead delirium to the point where you’re actually criticizing people for not joining up for the literal demons that want to extinguish all life. You want characters to be punished for doing the objectively right thing.

I’m gonna spell this out for you one last time, and hope it drills through that thick brick wall you call a skull. Kael’thas LEGITIMATELY appointed Lor’themar as the ruler of Quel’thelas in his stead. There was no usurping, and Lor’themar didn’t even really want to keep the throne in the long run - he did it under the assumption that Kael’thas would return to lead them someday.

While this was all occurring, Kael’thas allied with the Burning Legion, who literally only wanted his help because they needed the Sunwell to usher in the Legion invasion. Lor’themar - and most of the Blood Elf people - decided that this meant Kael’thas was insane and needed to be put down, RIGHTFULLY SO. It had nothing to do with taking power away from Kael’thas, it was literally about killing someone who betrayed them by attempting to hand their kingdom over to a legion of demons that had already killed 90% of them, and would literally proceed to obliterate their planet if successful.

And I don’t know if I can make this any more clear to the vacuum of space in your head where the majority of your brain should be, but the High Elves openly defied the Sunstrider dynasty during the Second War, and the Void Elves were participatory or at least complacent during Kael’thas’s downfall. If the Blood Elves have no right to Silvermoon, then those two have even less.

Lor’themar and the Blood Elves have every right to Silvermoon, no matter how much you want to believe otherwise. I know it’s hard for you to accept anything that’s not Alliance having something good, but you can’t lie your way out of this truth.


Nope. Lor’themar joined Silvermoon’s mortal enemies, had Prince Kael’thas assassinated, and later Alleria banished.

If Lor’themar was even remotely in the right with his actions, he wouldn’t have had not just one, not just two, but THREE seperate Silvermoon remnant factions contest his rule. And that’s not even counting all of the minor groups that went independent.

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Darkspear trolls are not Amani trolls. No Horde race qualifies as mortal enemies of the blood elves. Know your lore.

Prove it.

You cannot. Because he did not.

At that point, he was the ruler and therefore within his rights. Given that she was a danger to the Sunwell and that she gave aid to the actual enemies of Silvermoon, his ruling here was just.

None have contested Lor’themar’s rule. None are even positioned to contest it. The high elves were cast out. the void elves are cast out, and neither has a person with a rightful claim to the throne. Claiming Alleria has some claim is made up headcanon; she’s a noble, sure, but not the only noble and not in any special privileged position to claim the throne.

You’re misusing the word “contest”. Know your lore and your language.

Poor troll is poor.


I could discount all of you crappy headcanons, but Alynsa’s done a fine job of eviscerating you.

Also I don’t even know why you need to be told this, but the Windrunner line has no claim to rule Quel’thelas either. They were military. Lor’themar was outright placed on the throne by the ruling heir of the Sunstrider dynasty. If Lor’themar cared about political usurpation, the member of a family that had no stakes in rulership that had gone missing for years only to buddy up with the Alliance after coming back would NOT have been someone he would have feared.

You’re getting less and less coherent as your inane ramblings go on.


Gee wiz. At least when I feel like getting attention, I just make fun of myself, get mad at Blizzard, or write fanfiction.

What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall in MG Stormwind again. Guard, Scarlet, and open Eredar RPers as far as the eye could see.

As much as I love Horde RP, it just doesn’t hit the same.


I will never forget the openly evil eredar guild on my server that just… hung around… outside the Cathedral.

And Scarlet and Guard RPers are built to be clowned on.


That sounds wonderful. Please tell me that guild exploded in less than two months because one of the officers was trying to use the guild as a front for their own personal harem.

I remember getting into a fight on my drunkard character outside the Recluse, and an MHP not only teleported between us, but instantly had my character and my opponent in two separate paladin bubbles so we couldn’t hurt each other, and then clapped handcuffs on me without even asking why we were fighting (it was to defend myself against my opponent, who was protecting a demon my character wanted to kill). All in the same emote.

People who expect to get their Ashbringers tickled in walkup RP like they’re the second coming of Metzen just because they decided to put on their shiny boy mog, banana hat, and Alliance tabard deserve to get clowned on.

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I’n not reading every comment, as it would just take too much time that I don’t have. So feel free to attempt to disprove anything you wish. This is an open space of free speech.

Military is a branch of the government, and when a government’s hierarchy collapses, the military often takes command. See Garithos, Saiden, or Lothar as a few good examples.

If Kael’thas was to have died, his next in command would take over. Which was Lor’themar, due to Sylvanas being dead.

This thread is so evil- that the Alliance and Horde would join forces to destroy it. Tirion Fordring would join forces with Arthas to destroy it. It makes Rammstein the Gorger look redeemable.


Jawah, if you’re not gonna read the comments disproving you, there’s no point in talking to you. Please, continue to make the Story Forums a worse place with your horrible presence, and conveniently ignore that everybody disagrees with your godawful opinions.

There’s only so many ways people can tell you you’re wrong.


I’m at work, lol. So I pick one person and stick to that conversation. I can’t have multiple.

Piss poor excuse from a piss poor poster. If you can find the time to read your absolute garbage excuse of a thread at work, you can find time to read the other comments.

Knock yourself out.


It’s not controversial, its factually incorrect. Those things are not the same