High Elves and Void Elves Have More Rights to Silvermoon Than Lor'themar's Blood Elf Insurgents

That’s another one of those funny variations between what the Horde Player sees and what the Alliance player sees.

From the Perspective of the Alliance, he was exploiting the havok to basically rob the bank. Or, at the very least, taking money that wasn’t his.

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But the Quest Chain indecates that Umbric didn’t learn about Kael’thas betrayal until after his banishment.

I have to redo the Quest Chain. Yeah, nvm. I was misremembeing.

Maybe you’re thinking about the High Elves from Lor’themar’s short story?

I’m remembering something in Umbric’s notes.

I mean, he is the “de facto” leader of Quel’Thalas… because he’s the only guy whose rule makes sense. He was Kael’s regent, his designated successor; the royal line is extinguished. He has majority population support; the people of Quel’Thalas “turned to (Lor’themar) for guidance in Kael’thas stead”. He led the kingdom through its darkest days. The rebuilding and recovery of the nation is publicly attributed to him (Rommath should get the credit for this one, but hey, man in the shadows).

Assuming “regent” has half the connotations here as it does in the real world, it’s hardly novel for a compromised monarch with no issue to have their power divested and given to the highest acting authority in the event of severe mental illness or death. Both, in Kael’s case.

It’s peculiar (if not surprising) to me that you’re this desperate to paint him as some kind of unlawful pretender when no one in Azeroth seems to hold this opinion. Christ, Umbric was his loyal sin’dorei follower for years, Horde and all, and the second thing Alleria did after coming back to Azeroth was go negotiate with him on behalf of the Alliance as the recognised leader of Quel’Thalas.

I think you take everything way too seriously, lol.

But in any case, betrayal is betrayal. Since you brought her up, I’m not saying that Thalyssra was morally wrong for her actions, never did. However, it is true that she betrayed Elisande.

I’m even sure Lor’themar probably swore an oath to the Sunstriders, as he became a ranger. They wouldn’t have be indoctrinated Lor’themar into the Farstriders had they known that when Kael’thas needed his assistance the most, he would choose to join their mortal enemies, and then assassinate him, lol.

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April fools day was days ago brah.

That’s literally what “Defacto” means.

Uh yeah. That’s why I followed up with

he would qualify as both de facto and de jure

He is not just the official leader de facto, but the de jure rightful leader.

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Just because it’s Betrayal doesn’t make it Wrong.

Even the Founding Fathers of America admit that they committed Treason.


Posting in a Jawah thread


The Issue here is using the word “Rightful.”
Technically, there still is a Throne of Quel’thalas and someone ELSE (either by blood or by Stature) has the “right” to rule and, as Reagent, Lor’themar’s position still only ALLOWS him to rule in their stead. The fact that Lor’themar is refusing to allow anyone to take the throne is besides the point.

The reagent rules by right until someone comes forward.
Lor’themar can’t stop a rightful claimant from ascending without the backing of either the military or the nobility. From what we understand all Sunstrider claimants are dead, meaning a new new monarch would have to be elected from the nobility. Lor’themar literally has nothing to do except wait for a new monarch to be selected, but all signs we’ve seen in game indicate they’d prefer to keep him as ruler anyway.

The fact that Lor’themar is refusing to allow anyone to take the throne is besides the point.

This sounds like some major head canon. Everything we’ve seen of Lor’themar shows him as more of a reluctant ruler who’s been kept on by popular demand. Shadow of the Sun even mentions directly that Lor’themar has no interest in the crown and prefers to wait for a true monarch.


Obvious troll is obvious?

Seriously, why are folks putting so much effort into this thread? Even the OP doesn’t believe his claim. He just wants attention. Stop giving it to him.

I really miss the having the functionality to block posters.


He never mentions Kael’thas in his notes. Maybe you were thinking Dar’Khan? But Umbric was very well aware of Dar’Khan’s betrayal.

It’s not a troll.

Secondly, bullying is not okay.


Rightful in what sense? The crown was granted by the people, it can be taken away.

They couldn’t betray him, to be clear, given they weren’t even allied at that time. The Alliance refused to retain any partnership after the Elves left originally.

Also, the High Elves were exiled while Kael’thas was still in power by purview of Lor’themar, his appointed regent. As for the Void Elves, I don’t think we’re given a precise timeline for their expulsion for duly appointed Rommoth (if these things matter to you).

Yes. And Kael’thas betrayed Quel’thelas by allying with the Legion, just like Elisande betrayed Suramar by doing the same. You continually keep forgetting that the main goal of the Burning Legion was the complete and total annihilation of everything on the planet. And hell, even if “betrayal is betrayal” applied, that doesn’t mean that Lor’themar or Thalyssra were in the wrong for what they did, or that they did it for political gain. They DID IT because their leader was insane and they needed to rebel.

Hell, I wish you were a troll, cause if you actually believe the garbage that you’re saying, that’s a whole different much more frightening beast.


Kael’thas betrayed his people when he stole the Naaru, and would have served both the Horde AND the Alliance up to the Legion if he wasn’t stopped.

And we haven’t forgotten that it was the Alliance who sentenced Kael’thas and the entirety of the Blood Elves to death when they refused to die as cannon fodder.

Nor have we forgotten that they sent the Night Elves to sabotage us under the cover of a Dwarven embassy.

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No to High Elves because they’ve been replaced by Blood Elves.

And no to Void Elves because they’re just void-mana junkies instead of fel-mana junkies.

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I agree. We should all move to Kalimdor to be with the rest of the Horde.

Or better yet, we should all get killed somehow, then raised by the San’layn! Become REAL “Blood Elves”!

The World Stump would make an awfully nice home for a bunch of vampire elves! You get to have that “surrounded by death” ambiance, but still a bit of that woodsy feel as well.