High Elves and Void Elves Have More Rights to Silvermoon Than Lor'themar's Blood Elf Insurgents

As much as I would the high/void elves to retake Silvermoon your reasoning is flawed.

If you wanted to use Kael, you could just mention the fact that his authority should be nul and void because by the time he started giving orders he was already under demonic influence and unfit to rule/give orders. Making Lother’mar’s rule also nul and void and illegal. Which would in turn make his banish of the high elves a criminal act/sans true authority.

The high elves were forced to exile from their homeland. I’d also point out the reason they dont contest Lothermar is because it wouldnt really do any good and would likely force them to kill blood elves, people who were their kin.

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They don’t contest Lor’themar because he’s the rightful ruler and they know it.

would likely force them to kill blood elves, people who were their kin.

Now I haven’t played retail in quite a while, but I’m pretty sure Isle of Thunder was literally this in a nutshell. From what I’ve seen neither side has really had a problem murdering each other.

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Defacto more than rightful and at they very the high elves probably consider him a tyrant who kicked them out of their homes for now following the latest regime fel infused scheme.

Alleria however, the only person who seems to have tried to negociate with Lother’mar seemed less interested in killing blood elves. If only because she wasnt there when all the crap happened between high elves and void elves.

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This… isn’t even a debate though. This is just you strutting in, saying something objectively incorrect, and then acting as though you were only pretending. That’s not a debate, that’s just a ratio of you.

Were it an actual debate, you’d have people who were arguing for your position, or at least that disagreed with the stance posed against your’s at the beginning. Almost everyone on this thread unanimously disagrees with you.

Please don’t think more of yourself.


Never said I was pretending. Lor’themar’s a traitor to Prince Kael’thas. Would you deny this fact?

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In the same way that any citizen of Lordearon that defied Arthas is a traitor, perhaps.


That’s a negative. Arthas killed their King Terenas. Very different situation. Terenas was Lordaeron’s ruler, and Arthas was his second. Arthas did the betraying.

Actually looking at it, Arthas and Lor’themar aren’t that different, huh?

They both were second-in-commands who joined hostile factions and murdered their old leaders. The only difference is that Arthas was mind controlled. Lor’themar betrayed Kael’thas willingly.

Lmao, didn’t you already do this exact thread a while back? :thinking:


Defacto more than rightful

Hardly. His official title is Reagent Lord. The reagent rules in absence of the king, and he was appointed by the last monarch of the kingdom. If the Sunstrider line no longer has any living members it would be up to the nobility of the nation to elect a new king to replace the old. Since this hasn’t been done he would qualify as both de facto and dejure since his authority derives both from the political institution of his office as well as the former monarch. Undeniably the high elves are not going to be enamored of him, but realistically the reasons they were exiled for don’t even matter anymore since if I recall correctly they were exiled mainly for opposing Kael’thas’ new campaign of Fel siphoning and stuff like that (which has all ended now anyway).


I thought the same thing about Alleria. She’d probably have huge culture shock upon her return to Silvermoon.


It’s possible. But I like discussing Blood Elves. They are an interesting race, because they believe that they are the victims in their story, and yet, they are usually the villains. It’s an interesting take.

And while it is blatantly clear that they are the villains, it is cool to see people so advocately defend them, attempt to justify them, and twist words and events to fit their agenda. People really get into character, and it’s respectable.

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A title bestowed by a traitor king who was consorting with demons and was planning on wiping out all life in Quel’thalas anyway.

… what? Kael became ruler of Quel’Thalas and named Lor’themar his regent long before he ever met Illidan or Kil’jaeden.

A title bestowed by a traitor king who was consorting with demons and was planning on wiping out all life in Quel’thalas anyway.

Something which happened after his appointment…

The actions of banishing the remaining high elves occured long after he was consorting with Kil’jaeden. If the blood elves turned on Kael, which was the person giving Lother’mar authority, then what right does Lother’mar actually have except defacto one?

And by extension how lawful would his actions have been if at that time it was coming from a person who was about to betray their people?

On the other hand the Purge of Dalaran widened those rifts between the Helves and Belves in some pretty major ways. Nothing quite like the Silver Covenant attacking nobles trying to get their savings out of the bank; BE shopkeepers; and slaughtering the only method the Sunreavers could have used to escape the city … to really hammer home that “We’re not gonna get along anymore” vibe. Jaina gets a lot of flak of that event, but Vareesa was ALL about it.

As an interesting note, the Sunreavers as a whole were not responsible for the divine bell. Even Aethas wasn’t behind it, only finding out afterwards and not knowing whom who would be worse to throw his people to the wolves to (Garrosh or Jaina). So, he chose to do nothing and he and his people suffered the wrath of Jaina instead of Garrosh…


You, Jawah, saying people are getting into character?

Time for a drink.


I would. Because Kael’thas betrayed them first by allying with the Legion. If you ally with the Legion, you are declaring yourself an enemy of Azeroth and everything on it. Lor’themar didn’t betray anyone - he only reacted to Kael’thas’s betrayal.

Past that, if betrayal to the Sunstrider dynasty is grounds to forfeit your claims to Quel’thelas, then the Quel’dorei and the Ren’dorei don’t have any claim to it either, because they both “betrayed” the Sunstriders as well. The Quel’dorei when they defied Anasterian’s orders during the Second War, the Ren’dorei while they were participants in opposing Kael’thas during the Burning Crusade.

This has been explained to you over and over, so I can only assume that you’re being willingly obstinate.

Should Lor’themar have just fallen in line with his Prince’s allegiance with the Legion, and therefore allied up with the Legion himself? Should Thalyssra have just sat quietly while Elisande offered up daily sacrifices of Suramar citizens to the Legion? Or maybe Durotan shouldn’t have opposed himself to Gul’dan, and just let him slowly turn the Horde into fel-crazed Legion drones. Hey, I bet you think Malfurion, Tyrande, and Illidan were in the wrong for opposing Queen Azshara, and they should have just let the Legion have Azeroth!

That is literally what you are doing. You are literally choosing to ignore the sequence of events to make it look like Lor’themar forced Kael’thas’s hand. You’re straight up lying, even though the truth has been told to you by numerous people.

Don’t patronize us, you have literally no leg to stand on. You’ve done almost nothing but RP a crappy Male Human Paladin stereotype with a Warcraft II fetish. It’s getting sickening.

Jawah is a terrible RP character, and you are a terrible poster.


Not quite. The Void Elves (debatablely) were only Blood Elves by Kael’thas’ decree but all indications were that they were banished sometime before Kael’thas betrayal was revealed, and before the Blood Elves joined the Horde.

(Slight) Correction. Her Banishment is self-imposed after realizing the deleterious effect she had on the Sunwell.

That’s literally what “Defacto” means.

This is not correct at all. The Blood Elves that would become the Void Elves were exiled from Quel’Thalas because their studies of the void were a risk to the Sunwell, which was only reignited at the end of the Burning Crusade, after Kael’thas was killed at Quel’Danas.