High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I don’t do current content that often beyond quests and wqs when I feel like it.

They are never justified killing civilians just because they belong to another tribe. People saying crap like that is one of the reasons I will not support playable Alliance high elves and wish to see the Silver Covenant killed off.



Don’t get me wrong. I’ts about time Blizz actually showed the Alliance being evil towards the Horde, even if we had several examples of that but instead, they need to stop passing that as “righteous justice” and later promptly sweep those deeds under a rug because they can’t have their good boys having their images tarnished.

But the SC had absolutely no reason to be evil to their kin prior to Theramore other than “I don’t like the look on them”.


They only killed civilians that fought back. And it was in response to a bombing that killed some of their own people too. It’s perfectly justified in the world of Azeroth.

I actually love BE’s more! But I wanna see them in game for added faction rivalry that I believe they add. And on another level I know how much people I’ve seen show the same love I have for BE’s to Alliance HE’s, so I want to see them added for that reason also.

But I would want to experience the story too for all the reasons you listed, their basically everything BE’s aren’t personality wise and have their own lane in the narrative story of the Alliance that I think would be interesting to experience, and experience Alliance story as.


Even after Theramor, there was a war trial and the guilty party was dealt with. Those people in Dalaran, many were unarmed civilians.


Yes, those defenseless rangers and magister, how else would they defend themselves from civilians without deadly force.



Because it shows how devout they are to their identity. They see Sin’dorei as a different people, and a people that they’re all too willing to kill. They have a bad history together and it was good to see something finally come of it.


Yikes some people are so into Alliance high elves that they will argue that war crimes are okay to get them.


I’d wish we stop killing each other off. Virtually, the entire WoW story is in too much of a nutshell.

Sounds like better raid mobs than playable characters.

They still tried to fight back. And they’re civilians in a magical city; these dudes were probably casting all kinds of spells at the SC.

No silly, you should know better.

Murder in the name of justice it’s always ok.

That’s… an amazing reach.


Well, people get testy when they’ve been ordered to leave AND the people roaming the streets have killed off the means of leaving.


That’s what he takes from it, but that’s not what it is. The Silver Covenant are not the elves that people want, they are just antagonists in the Blood Elf story.

Just a reminder, this was all rehashed in the story line when the Sun Reavers went after Jaina. The writers haven’t forgotten it.


I think the funniest part is that I, a forsaken player, has to remind people that murder it’s wrong.

Now, that’s hilarious irony.

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…and people are being rounded up and imprisoned without a trial.


I meant, like, in the context of being in WoW, from their points of view. Nobody in DAlaran or the ALliance should really care much about the Horde.

But I was actually really hoping Void Elves would provide that “Faction Rivalry” between the Sin’dorei and them. I couldn’t ever see it though, since they would still 100% be Blood ELves if they weren’t exiled. They’re also only with the ALliance out of convenience, kind of making matters worse for them. Void Elves still love the Sin’dorei and it just doesn’t really feel the same way it would with High Elves.


This isn’t exactly taking away from my point.

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What is your point? You’ll take a fair skinned blue eyed blond haired high elf, lore be damned. Just never on the Horde.

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