High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

You mean like Alliance getting an almost exact copy of our most popular race?

The most popular race on Alliance is human.

It seems weird to me. The iconic Alteraci class is rogue, not hunter.

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For you perhaps.

For me new doorways are open.

Yeah right?

Likeā€¦ I get the falcon on the Alteraci crest but I donā€™t think that needs to be their main theme. I like itā€¦ but I donā€™tā€¦

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Yes, and alteraci is humansā€¦ soā€¦

Anyways I was not happy with VE at first either have you know.

agreed. Lightbound orcs just feels weird. I donā€™t want alt draenor lightbound orcs. I want yrel and the draenei in the alliance.

The issue is that they all feel weird now that we have a lot of customization added to the base races. They could have just been customization.

void elves, nightborne, and vulpera, and zandalari are the only ones that look and feel different enough that they should be separate races.

We already have that though.

The LFD are what they would be.

Very much disagree.

The customization for Wildhammer and Sand trolls, even high elves, should have been separate ARā€™s.

Differences in culture and racials, classes and even flavor like the mount and tabard are extremely important for player agency and RP.

That said Iā€™m still more against high elves at all.

Theyā€™re going extinct, and since there isnā€™t a difference between them and Blood Elves and Blood Elves are a core Horde race, I just donā€™t think adding them is a good idea. (Iā€™m also very miffed people are trying to erase Void Elves)

I donā€™t mind that half elf ideaā€¦ (especially if it comes with Mokā€™Nathal or a half elf half orc Horde side)

Big disagree.


I went blue, but to be a Dark Ranger. You can do so much with void elves without even remembering about the void haha.

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Now this but with void black eyes! :eye::lips::eye:

Edit: ironically night elves can pretty much fully fulfill the dark range aesthetic too with their new skin tones/hair colors in addition to their night warrior eyes.
Just thought of this now

I like red eyes for Dark Rangers. I can kinda pull this off with the PvP Alliance Legion hood, and definitely with the Mythic Eagletalon, but Iā€™m wearing that one because itā€™s literally ā€œDark Rangerā€™s Hoodā€ and I somehow only recently obtained it. The purple seems close enough to me.

yeah those legion hoods are the best, the red glows make it almost perfect.
I still really hate that hoods make all our hair disappear thoughā€¦

So itā€™s like a, do I choose to use this cool hood and have no hair? Or do I choose to show my pretty hair?

I do find it odd that the faction with actual dark rangers literally has no options to live that aestheticā€¦


Yeah, itā€™s irritating. At least it no longer bothers me so much that I wonā€™t even take advantage of it on the faction that does get it though.

I agree with this. However I am basing this off of what blizzard has done now instead of what they should have done.

Really what blizzard needs to do at this point is take the loss, chew through the pain now, and save themselves a lot more work and pain later down the line when they basically have to do this if WoW keeps going another 10+ years.

Create subraces. You would choose a base race. You would then select a subrace and class and after that you get to customize your character.

The baseline work right now would be to fold in the existing allied races that fit into the mold and and separate customization into separate subraces. Over time they could add unique racials and voicelines but currently the focus needs to be on just getting the framework out there. They can use the base race racials for now. Just give them lore accurate class options.

How I would see it separated is


  • Human: Stormwindian, Kul tiran, stromic, gilnean, lordaeronian, dalaranian.
  • Dwarf: Bronzebeard, dark iron, wildhammer
  • alliance elves: Night elf, void elf, high elf
  • Draenei: Draenei, lightforged
  • gnomes: Gnomes, mechagnomes
  • Worgen: gilnean
  • Pandaren: pandaren


  • Orc: (To save time I will say all the clans)
  • Tauren: Mulgore, highmountain
  • Troll: Jungle, sand, dark, zandalari
  • undead: Undead human
  • Horde elves: Blood elf, nightborne
  • Goblin: goblin
  • vulpera: vulpera
  • pandaren: pandaren

I realize this technically gives the horde one extra base race at character creation however I donā€™t care. We need to get out of the idiotic mindset that we must keep arbitrary things like that balanced. I would rather give blizzard the freedom to work on new subrace customizations and release them as they are finished than keep them held back because they need to balance them between the factions.


I love and support all people having birbs.


I know this was said to be lore accurate by a story lead but darnit if Iā€™m ever going to accept it!



Toss in Shenā€™dralar and Iā€™ll live with this.

Toss in Night elf Worgen.

Only if you add in Ice and make both them and forest big boys.

This all falls though just as mine does on one problem.

Blizzard didnā€™t do that, and if customization was too much of a promise to keep or a bullet to bite, this never will be.


Iā€™d hope itā€™d be a choice, like the hunch for orcs and Magā€™har.


I really do hope they add allied race subraces for more.

donā€™t forget Broken draenei!

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I am listing all the current possible subraces. Of course I want all the others added. Their options are currently not even in the game however.

Blizzard didnā€™t do it however I think blizzard will eventually have no choice but to do it several years from now if WoW just keeps going like it can. Of course blizzard may be idiotic and be rushing to kill off all potential enemies for whatever reason so WoW ends in 2-3 expansions.

If next expansion is another cosmic force I give up on WoW.

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One thing I dislike about the whole subrace idea is restricting customization combinations. Like, with the options you listed, Iā€™d probably have to pick high elf to not be blue, which means I canā€™t be non-blue but have tentacles. I probably wouldnā€™t be able to have blue skin and the less voidy eyes either.

If theyā€™re gonna combine races, they might as well go whole hog and have no restrictions in mixing and matching.

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You forgot orc: high orc

Are you referencing those threads about Thrall?