High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

Itā€™s a fine line, but I walk it every day.


Iā€™ve seen some cool mockups for void tattoos. I even made one myself out of Nā€™zoth runes.

What I really want is ranger markings personally, but any tattoos would be nice.


Hello already!


Yes, Voidberg is awesome.

Ethereal skins would be great too.


Iā€™ll be honest I just wanted to do a text-based Zoidberg impression.

It was very good in my head.


ā€¦ Can I add this to my list?

I was going to find one where he says that butā€¦ This was too good.

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I would be offended if you didnā€™t.

Thereā€™s also a blue skinned version if you want it.


I am a huge supporter for an alteraci horde allied race.

I have seen many use the idea of the syndicate bandits but I am more in favor of giving them a very unique spin.

I think it is time for alterac to be officially refounded. Give them a swiss mercenary vibe. make use of landsknechts.

Recently this was posted on reddit: ~https://imgur.com/a/jGkC58V

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For easier parsingā€¦ Or harderā€¦ dependingā€¦

On the whole I like it. Would change a couple things.


Outrageous, canā€™t be priests?! Pft

As long as alliance gets lightbound orcs, I am ok for horde to get a human race lolz

Lot of people donā€™t like the Lightbound Orcs for some reasonā€¦ Iā€™m not against it myself butā€¦ I donā€™t know.

For me its not the same thing. Lightbound orcs would feel forced. Alteraci feels natural to me.

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problem is, they are still a human race, there needs to be a 1 - 1 swap at least. Other wise one side would feel ripped off

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Theyā€™ll feel ripped off either way.

I donā€™t think Blizzard should limit themselves for such a foolish reason.

Keep it making sense in the lore. The player base will complain either way.

Honestly I could see Lightforged Orcs working for that reason by the way. >.> They just feel weird to me.

If they get hawks, then I need a sentinel owl to randomly land on my shoulder when I am idle.

Make it happen blizz!



Exactly! I do have the pet and use it on. All of my Nelves.


Yeah I donā€™t know about that part myself.

Kulā€™tirans are known for their use of hawks, meanwhile there is a falcon on the Alteraci flagā€¦

So Iā€™m torn.

Night elf warriors (and priests) getting a little Sentinel owl though? Sign me up.

I use it in my night elf warrior. Sheā€™s supposed to be the leader of a group of sentinels.


Iā€™d hope it wouldnā€™t be class restricted!

Pretty much every alliance AR feel forced though.

Dismembered gnomes
3rd human raceā€¦but fat (despite most Kulā€™tirans being normal sized)
Void blood elves
Draenei but light-ee-er

Thank god for DI dwarves at least. And void elves for looking cool enough to make up for their randomness.

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