High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

probably between pandaria and legion. When jiana was in charge.

Dalaran was fully Alliance in Pandaria, up until Legion. It was earlier than that that they were Alliance leaning, but still technically neutral.

 I wonder if your talking about the alliance of lorderon in this case?

Not to be confused with WoW’s grand alliance.

No. It was WoW’s Alliance. It was probably Wrath or Cata.

that would be strange since dalaran was completely neutral during that time.

In Classic and BC the Kirin Tor was definitely Alliance-leaning. A few human mage quests reference them.

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They were supposed to be completely neutral, but gave favour to the Alliance over the Horde in the city, and supposedly funded the Alliance war effort or something? I can’t recall the details exactly, but I’m almost certain this existed at some point.

Of course, it could just be stuff I’m remembering from the RPG. That happens way to often in these discussions.

I think I would take guzzle’s answer, I don’t recall dalaran much during cata.

If it existed, it was background information. Maybe in a book or something? Not a big thing in the game.

They sold weapons or supplies or something to the Alliance, but refused to do the same to the Horde. Something like that.

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If I had to guess, I’d say it was the lead up to Wrath. There was that whole big discussion where the Sunreavers were supplying and supporting the Horde expedition to Northrend, I doubt the Silver Covenant could provide that same sort of support but the Kirin Tor definitely could.

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Where did this come from? I’ve always felt semi-opposed to giving Void Elves non-void options as I feel it disrupts their racial theme, and I’ve provided plenty of other ideas for what I think Void Elves should get.

There are a lot of people here who disagree with it and stay civil.

This is a far stretch and an insulting thing to say to people who disagree with you. You need to stop taking things so personally.


From the forum poster Joriti is responding to:

Something tells me you’re not going to call Ariel out on her words, though.

Why would you say that? What assumptions are you making about me?

Anyone who says something along those lines is taking this argument too personally and behaving wrong. Whether they are on “my” side or not.


Because you ran to call Joriti out without even noticing Joriti was simply responding to Ariel the same way Joriti was being treated by Ariel. That looked suspicious to me.

If you simply didn’t notice and there’s no other hidden intention, I apologize for misjudging you.

Agreed. :+1:t3:

You are looking too far into things. I opened the thread and her post was the first post that showed up since I last visited. I called out a bad reaction to a bad reaction.

Thank you. It’s all good.

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That’s not a game I think you want to play, my man.


Sure, it could have been worded better, but it’s not off the mark that it is indeed quite dishonest to pretend that only blood elves should sacrifice their uniqueness, which it’s essentially ensured for every other race, and ruin the uniqueness of Void Elves further with that as well.

To expect both races to lose something that it’s a given for every other playable race would just be detrimental.


The only game I want to play atm where the forsaken becomes light-raised forsaken.

/wants to poke at midare.

Perhaps. After all, it’s easy (although wrong, I’ll admit) to extend your distrust to other people who share views with some of those others I’ve been discussing this topic with for over a year who ended up mass flagging anything we said about High Elves and even digged through our post history to flag anything that they thought could violate the forum TOS.

There’s a reason behind our distrust, that’s all I’m saying.