High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

that is perhaps my fate lmao.


You can see your own future? That sounds like a scary thing :smiling_imp:


Talk to me when people show up on your server forums to try and stop you getting into guilds.


ummā€¦ I had been discussing this stuff over the year too, I see mass flagging on both sidesā€¦ you donā€™t get to play innocent my man.

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the void tells me many possibilities!

Like the path of calia leading the forsaken

You shouldnā€™t throw that distrust at anyone with a different opinion on you over elves.

Just because youā€™ve been disagreeing with some posters consistently for a while doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re mass flagging you.

Iā€™m still wanting more helf options, yet Iā€™m friends with plenty of antis. Heck, Iā€™m a mod in their Discord now.


So thatā€™s the standard you use to judge peopleā€¦ if they like tropey elves in WoWā€¦?

How come they never tried to sabotage me like that?

Is it because Iā€™m a filthy casual?

Or is it because they fear me?

I hope itā€™s the latter.


Not at anyone - at certain people with a certain behavior with a certain circle of friends.

And yes, as I said, I know thatā€™s wrong and didnā€™t realize I felt that way until Feyrre made me realize.

It isnā€™t the fact we disagree over this that I say certain people mass flagged our posts. We know certain people mass flagged our posts. Our stance on playable elves is irrelevant here.

Yep, I am as well! Not plenty, just a few of them.

Congratulations! I never liked being a mod, I always felt it was a stressful job you arenā€™t getting paid for. So Iā€™d rather just have fun with others instead. :joy:

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Sorry babe, youā€™re just not cool like me.


I meanā€¦ I am a death knightā€¦ I kinda am death lol.

Edit: Hmmmā€¦ so now they are talking in the other thread. Very polite of them.

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This particular position is non-stress. Itā€™s really just a fun place to hang out and talk. Heck, we usually donā€™t even talk about elves tbh.


I know thatā€™s true for a fact! I still remember my days in the anti Discord server.

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Iā€™d rather be feared than cool.

A different kind of death.

Calm down Machiavelli Fonz.

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Oh no! You donā€™t meanā€¦

Death by snu snu?!?!??!

I dunno if I am into corpsesā€¦ though I am one!


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Are you coming on to me?

You realize that youā€™re a Void Elf, the epitome of the Goth BF?

Iā€™ve had my mum visiting so I havenā€™t been paying as close attention as usual byt I assume itā€™s primarily discussion on why Liadrin is dope as hell and why Turalyon is kind of lame.


I think guzzle said this, as a void elf death knight, I am all edge, and no point!