High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

That’s Fyre, if you haven’t already met her, you’ll understand soon why shes vastly ignored.


I can tell by the way he formulates his cringe-worthy sentences through his 20 alts.


you can already play the race in its ENTIRETY on the horde. rangers, magisters, paladins with a high elf kingdom behind them. thats what blood elves represent

alliance high elves would be blood elves, but on the alliance side. they offer nothing to the story that the blood elves arent already doing. they are too few and what little are still lurking around are assimilating into human society losing all sense of themselves

thats how we know its not about lore because they have none. they appear as backdrops in dalaran and jainas story. never been developed, never had a unique story. even gnomes finally got spotlight this expansion. alliance high elves are void elves now. just accept it or play the horde :wink:


But you said that Void Elves are not High Elves, but yet, Void Elves are void infused Blood Elves, which you’re also saying that Blood Elves are not High Elves.


Leaving aside the fact that it’s not like there’s not some supporters that bounce around alts on a whim (not that there’s anything wrong with that) hundreds out of millions IS small.

Half of the time people talk about adding them they’re asking for boring generic fantasy pretty elves that you can get any of countless other places, I think that the devs have made some solid choices on bits where they turn away from the old standards to tell a specific story. And if they put in something to appease all the requests made that weakens a story by robbing the writers of editorial control to make them find a place for all the requests made.

With the fact that we’ve seen official novels have lines where a blood elf talks about his ex who abandoned his people as if she was a paragon of virtue as opposed to himself and as far as I am aware have never seen them write a high elf expressing guilt over abandoning their people in their darkest hour, I also worry that this will end up with much more of the Alliance elves = Good, Horde elves = Evil.

Like the hypocrisy of trying to gotcha me by calling the void elves a carbon copy of blood elves as you ask for even more bites of our elves escapes you?

They’re all the same race, they look the same, they have nearly identical histories (only the last 15 or so years are different) How are they not the same elves but alliance?


You say this, while partying with dwarves, worgen, and gnomes who drown in filthy puddles.
While also being a medievil human.
We know the truth.
You guys dont bath.

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What does that have to do with all of those elves being the same race? Which was my point.

I like that he’s doesn’t seem to realize that the canal in SW, if it was historically accurate would be full of human waste.

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/clears throat and magically produces a dictionary, floating in midair. the pages flip effortlessly until coming to rest on the letter B

according to this. that’s bathe, not bath.
you can thank me later. :sunglasses:


Cromgaru winder where first half-elfs come from.


C’mon Fyre, say Void Elves are not High Elves again.


I am on my phone. Autocorrect does not like me, but I am glad you knew my intent.

/tosses into a puddle

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The real question is
why would they be after being transformed?

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/engages anti-puddle device

i bathe in clean water, friend.

your gnome is adorable hyper

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/sits on

You drown in all types, tiny.

oh no, not this one. pinky is my trophy gnome.



Oh, we’re on about gnomes now? <3



and gnomes want alliance high elves or at the very least, alliance half elves. :sparkling_heart:

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Not when most would not care one way or the other, you can’t use the millions that don’t use the forums against high elves, you have to look at the hundreds that do support, as compared to the vast majority of threads that even make it past 20 likes especially consistently.

Which is how a High Elf AR or otherwise could easily expand of the Alliance High Elf story they don’t have room to tell.

And if you’ve forgotten, Blizzard did think of Blood Elves as “Evil” in the beginning, they absorbed living things, used fel magic and joined the “edgy” side.

Not that they should take any story that direction after adding High Elves, it can be easily done as a gray area.

Not at all, cause i’m not asking for a bite of your elves, i never have.

and i did gotcha you, because they are a carbon copy of Blood Elves. Sorry.

What we’ve been suggesting is not, so yes, you are ignoring your own hypocrisy.

I thought you said Void Elves were different enough, even being a carbon copy???


Because they’ve had differen’t experiences, much like all ARs, and that can be used to tell a story, because we know they haven’t lived exactly like their Silvermoon bretheren.

Why can’t their different lifestyles mean they look different than Blood Elves? Like Zandalari to Darkspear?

Why can’t their different experiences mean their World of Warcraft story has differentiated them from their Blood Elf brethren?

Only problem i see you having is lack of imagination, this is a possible, you just don’t want it to be.