High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

No, you have a small group pushing that. And they are motivated to talk about it on forums and such, so you get a portion of the people who want them letting things be known.

People opposed, well, as things stand there is no sign of change so no motivation for most people to go to the forums to champion keeping things the way they are, so we don’t know how the two groups stack up. And forum likes (and flags) aren’t a particularly good indicator when anyone who has a forum account (and looks like you don’t need an active one to like) can slap on 50 likes if they’re motivated.

Other than the fact that they’re identical to the Blood Elves.

And no you didn’t, you just put words in my mouth and made an argument that makes you look hypocritical.

Because it’s only been 15 years, and anything a high elf may have done there’s a blood elf that has done the same?

you say while demanding a splinter faction of a horde race as an alliance race.

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All elf the same; throw them back into Alliance
THEN get ready for WAR!

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oh, this trash again about how you can make it the same but different by a different posture or hairstyle? and it is trash because they did this for you with velves but you rejected it. because lorewise they are identical. any changes means its not a high elf, so its not about the lore after all then is it. seems you just want access to an elf that is white and not purple without playing the horde

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Keep balls to self.
Cromgaru not that kind of Orc.


Be nice or Ill stick you in a jar with a spider again.

well friend
spoiler alert


notice i look exactly like you in the same gear. dunno if you noticed. but that bridge has already been crossed. cant put the cork back in the bottle. not only do i look exactly like you, i stand like you, dance like you, walk, run and cast spells like you. there’s only 2 ways to tell us apart , emotes and voices. the rest is an exact copy paste, including the dang lore. why couldnt we have the lore of our actual high elves, who at least have that difference?


Simply because they are the same race by design.
Lore means nothing in the end because it can be rewritten.


/releases her praying mantis pet

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what lore hyper? of being a backdrop in dalaran? being used to further jainas story? the lore of the 2 in SW and 4 in BFA? that is literally the lore they have created since TBC when their homeland and people aligned with the horde

going forward any possible background flavor NPCs they could have used them for will be going to the void elves

if it means nothing and can be rewritten, we’re in business. :rofl:


so i’m using this opportunity to level my velf alts. i keep encountering alliance high elves. its beginning to get on my nerves. all i can hear is you saying they are irrelevant and blah and blah blah. thanks alot. /grumbles


then not lore; just story.
if lore nothing, then all you have writ is NOTHING.
All you ‘believe’ is NOTHING
…and so it goes.

so why so hateful towards those who, in end of all things, want something that , by own statement,…

…is nothing.

they do provide a nice backdrop to dalaran, adding flavor to the city

and terokar. and broken isles. and isle of thunder. and the sw mage tower. and the argent tournament. and crystalsong forest. and telogus rift. are there any on isle of quel’danas?


Once again, that is not the lore numbers. That is just in-game numbers.

2 completely different things.

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Why do I have to be hateful to be opposed to.something?
Are you a zealot just for desiring something?
Fact of the matter is the race is playable on the horde.
So it isnt going to the alliance


auric was the closure for those few elves

the purge of dalaran and the IoT moved JAINAs story forward

yes theres 2 canon in SW

theyre just helping tirion host a tournament. no lore development

as these are SC outposts, they are really kirin tor military outposts. still no development received here either

just auric and any pilgrims visiting at any particular moment

danuser already confirmed the implication of these elves

would you call any of this lore or development

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the point is, i keep having to do quests for people who are on my team but you say are irrelevant. why the heck are they giving me quests through out my leveling process.


And now they’re snickering among themselves and pointing out how were mean and less “old and wise” we are in a thread called…“high elf containment thread”.

It’s just a buildup of irony after irony. I don’t know how many more foots they can fit in their own mouths.