High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

beer. moon guard. RP on forums in a high elf thread. even the chen reference. crap are you alfgerdr?

chen obviously had a homeland and people he came from. so do high elves and its horde aligned. even dalarans SC are part of that race and the race is playable for all

Cept for we’ve never wanted “identical”, but i forgot, Fyre doesn’t read OPs.

Yes, like that big ol’ nothing, aside from the big ol’ quests and patches with High Elves aiding the Alliance and actively killing the Horde. :man_shrugging:

Ion doesn’t get to erase what has happened and continues to happen in game because of his title, sorry you’ve never understood this.

You’re the one arguing the against, it is your job to back up your argument, you don’t get to, “oKaY BUt YoU FIrSt.”

Because i gave you a reason, We already have them on our side, they’re just not playable.

Not at all, carry your feelings everywhere you want, but you and other antis don’t get to use that as a way to deny other players. Because that’s at the heart of this, you’re trying to deny a player request out of your “feelings” and “doomsaying”.

You’re 100% allowed to think its a bad idea, but again, you don’t get to use this as a way to deny player requests.


You’re the one pushing for a change to be made to the game, you explain why you need what is pretty much 99% a copy of a blood elf to be made playable on the Alliance and why it’s game breaking for you to have to play horde to play a horde race?


…belongs on Alliance.

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A race that we already see and interact with being made playable does not “a massive change to the game” make, it happens regularly, its called content.

I know you know better of the request than this, try again.

Cause the Horde doesn’t have an equivalent of High Elf that they interact with on the regular but don’t get to play, i shouldn’t have to change my allegiance because the Alliance doesn’t get to play a race they’ve interacted with throughout the game, this is why the request exists.

Besides if i wanna play a Blood Elf on the Alliance, i can play a Void Elf, but neither Void Elves or Blood Elves are High Elves, and i know you know that.


Some NPCs that hang out with different people than the rest of their race does does not make a race. And yeah, a complete duplication of the opposite faction’s most popular race WOULD be a massive change to the game.

So nothing you have comes to the level that you set for us to clear. There’s nothing non-personal or that would be gamebreaking if you didn’t tget your wish.


did with Pandaren


Oh yeah, since I am wanting High Elves, does this mean I main Alliance?


void elves are not high elves, they used to be but are now a different flavor. blood elves however are very much high elves(lol)


Not at all, that doesn’t mean we don’t get to ask. Seems to be the part you and the other antis seem to forget.

Sure it does, Blizzard said so when they POINTED THEM OUT against Blood Elves AND Night Elves, see how lore actively seems High Elves as differen’t, despite how different they may actually be?

Really? Cause I didn’t see you crying when we copy pasted Blood Elves with Void Elves and painted them blue? Because that’s literally what Void Elves are.

High Elves have the excuse of distance from the “core group” to easily have their lore and plot expanded, hell even their look. It’s about imagination, they can be the same race and look varying levels of different, that’s literally what all ARs are.


And they were introduced completely into the game (rather poorly) as neutral from the start, so not really comparable.


…until time to leave floating turtle. Then choose.
Also no differents between Horde and alliance Panda.
Boom goes other 'reason’HAH

Fel touched/Holy High Elves sure, same with Void High Elves, but there’s also just regular High Elves.

See how that works? Probably not, bias isn’t usually prone to understanding nuance.


You’re right.

Void Elves are Void infused Blood Elves exiled from Quel’thalas after studying with the Void.

So, which means, that also means that Blood Elves are not High Elves. Really bad logic you got there, right?


its a joke. it has to be

they say neutral races are a failure, they ignore

they say high elves are already playable, they ignore

understanding nuance. wow how ironic

its really very simple. you arent getting high elves on the alliance identical to blood elves, because they are already playable in the game :woman_shrugging:


I’m not the one who was trying to make that a criteria for being able to be against them.

What do you want me to do? Yell at clouds about something I can’t change? They added them in without warning pretty much so it’s not like we had a chance to comment on them before they were introduced as a playable race, and once that’s happened you can’t reverse it. They added them, people have void elf characters, Blizzard is never going to undo that, so it’s pointless to argue against it even if you thought it wasn’t a good idea.


Remember, the devs also said that Blood Elves lost there souls, and also used demonic energy to keep there city together


Big funny Blizzard having Belfs that are all ‘boo hoo mean Nelfs and humans exiled us’, doing same thing to own kind l


We actually already have them, im sure you dont…

Oh wait this is Fyre. lolololol never mind.


we also have humans helping the horde in BFA. the fogsail freebooters arent playable that means humans arent playable with your logic