High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎



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Just flavor that agrees with you.

In this instance sure. Is this not the High Elf Positivity thread?

But please, don’t go on pretending its still about agreeing, if it was about that you would of stopped replying to each and every High Elf thread a year ago.

If you have a non-personal and game destroying reason to rally against High Elves than please make it seen, cause even Fyro can’t fish one out of you and shes the best debater here.

Or just go back to liking anti posts behind the scenes. :man_shrugging:


So what’s your non-personal and GAME DESTROYING reason to need to have a way to play high elves without being Horde?

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Thank you :heart:

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kinda sad all you have to go on as a point of difference is an eye glow. really drives home the point you have nothing when it comes to blood/alliance high elves are different beyond politics. but blue eyes for blood elves should be introduced as an option as a case can be made for it. thanks for bringing this up always happy to talk about it if we are switching to that topic

never heard of them. can you be any more disingenuous calling them a regular anti? we know the regulars on both sides. and its no different then you saying blood elves cant have an option that makes sense because its hurts your chances of getting a horde race even more(as if it was ever possible)


I don’t know why you think it works backwards, it doesn’t.

Wanting a race isn’t the same as Pretending this race will ruin and change everything in the game and that’s why they shouldn’t be added.

But ill indulge you: Because in lore and in game, High Elves are already in the Alliance, and i’ve yet to see Silvermoon catch fire from that revelation.

Instead of ignoring questions, how about you answer them?

And experiences and Allies and lifestyles, but whos keeping track? Not antis, thanks for reminding everyone.

You’re out of your league sweetheart, Sara USED to be a frequent anti, and it very well could of been her comment.

Anymore baseless and spiteful comments to make? :kissing_heart:


This is funny coming from you, considering you have nothing to prove to why High Elves can’t be made playable for the Alliance.


I’m afraid Avarie has a functional nose :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I do, and the undead are in Orgrimmar now
rotting corpses baking in the sun.


Cromgaru always say ‘elfs not real Horde’.
Cromgaru not alone.

to reach that conclusion(fanfiction), you must choose to ignore everything that has been said on the topic either in game or out of game

and even from the gameplay perspective you cant make a playable race from the high elves
 for the 3rd time
 identical to the first time

As if the amount of poop in Orgrimmar wasn’t enough
 they now have to deal with walking decaying corpses. My nose hurts just imagining it.


How about stick with one toon to post from instead of posting from multiple toons, Fyre.

There is nothing to say that you can’t.


sorry wanted to post on my vulpera in a different thread

That’s why I never understood the appeal of Sylvanas. She couldn’t possibly smell very good.


Because it’s not a sincere question. You’re just putting up hoops that you want to insist that we have to jump through that you don’t put your own requests through.

There’s no reason why I should have to leave my personal feelings about the game at the door to explain why I am opposed to what you personally want to be in the game. Nor does it have to extend all the way to dramatically bolded GAME BREAKING!!! levels for me to think it’s a bad idea.


Game make whole expac out of ONE NPC in WC3.
AND his beerkeg.
Game make nightborn and void TRAITORS out of
What lore.
Show Cromgaru where in lore, of olden time, these two 

TL:DR I got no proof either

Where does proof enter into this? This is all just two different opinions bouncing against each other. There’s no right answers that can be proven on whether this is or isn’t a good idea.