High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

It pains me, but I’m getting the ‘Redemption Vibe’ at this point. With that disgusting thought in mind, here is my take on the end of the Shadowlands xpac:


  • When Zovaal drops to 5% health in Phase 3 he stops taking damage and starts one-shotting the raid group
  • As the last player falls to the dungeon floor Sylvanus Banshees in, dragging Anduin with her
  • Sylvanus holds off Zorvaal while Anduin uses the same mass rez he showed off in the BfA trailer and the raid team is brought back, at full health.
  • Sylvanus unleashes a realm-shaking blast of the anima she’s been storing up all this time and Zorvaal loses all but a sliver of health and is staggered. She falls to her knees, apparently drained from the effort
  • Players stand burn down the last 1% of Zorvaal’s health and he falls. (Alternate ‘Anduin as Thrall’ ending: Anduin walks up to Zorvaal and plunges Shalamayne into his chest, unleashing a torrent of light that finishes the job.) Immediately the falsely condemned souls start rising from the Maw, soaring upward for true judgement.
  • Sylvanus rises from her knees, walks to the Jailer, then rips his chains from his body and winds them around, and into, herself and slowly walks toward Zorvaal’s throne.
  • Seating herself on the throne, she looks out across the Maw then turns to Anduin, and says:

“Go home Anduin, and leave me here. This was the only way to stop him, I knew that years ago. There must always be a Jailer.”

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It says druid under your name, but are you sure you aren’t a Farseer? I think you just saw the future.


I want to be wrong - I’m feeling like Nick Cage about 2/3 of way through the plot in ‘Knowing’ right about now. I’m not certain yet - but I see it coming.


I am positive that High Elves have been playable since the first expansion. I am posting on one.



Your are Correct the High Elf Faction known as Sin’dorei or Blood Elf like in your name title have been playable for the Horde, But We are asking for the Alliance Version that have always been there just not playable for the Alliance.


Well then why aren’t Thrall and Baine standing with the others?

Because they’re only Alliance characters in the inside and not officially.

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Certainly, but then again, Belves stationed in Quel´thalas didn´t even manipulated Fel per se, they just got irradiated by crystals brought by Rommath et al. Which makes the whole "Belves addicted to “Fel” BS in itself.

Actually quite the contrary, considering in both scenarios the ultimate fate of the Velves has been exposed… in “A thousand years of war” Alleria admits she WILL -not perhaps, it was expressed as a sure event- succumb at one point to the whispers; and the 8.3 N´zoth scenario showed Stormwind being made into a Old God paradise thanks to the Velves going full cuckoo -whcih again, is not a “maybe happens”, it´s a “will happen” as far as canon goes right now.

Google it.

This would be fine AS LONG AS you people actually commit to it -and by this I mean you´ll play the people that happily left Quel´thalas not giving a s**t over the nation in any shape, way or form after the end of the Second War and that are moar worried over living with their Human overlords than anything related to the Belf nation, period.

Some Warriors take Honor, Duty, Commitment, Family, more serious than others.

Funny guy!

I guess Horde isn’t involved at all then. I’m not a fan of this. :pouting_cat:

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It will be ok, Murg.

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In 2021, spouting gibberish is considered news.

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It does, indeed.

All Thalassians are addicted to magic, at a physiological level – they actually need some amount of magical exposure, at all times, or they experience pain.

A source of magic having an adverse side effect has precisely nothing to do with whether or not that source of magic will satiate their physiological needs.

This is even true in real life lately! :scream_cat:


I seem to be the only one that can’t help but to think that this is not limited to Thalassians, but every elf.

I still find it very suspicious night elves need to set up a little moonwell in every single outpost they have.


Ew elves yuck

Looks at ‘prost’. Night Elf.


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This is canonical.

Night Elves use the wells to restore themselves and they are more than just religious. (though there is a lot of that around them)

That said night elves are not dependant on them either. It ties them back to the original well of eternity which changed them from Dark Trolls to Night Elves.


What can I say, I’m a bit of skeptic. I’ll believe the non dependency when I see a night elven outpost without a moonwell, heh.