High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

The only thing I can say about the Nightborne is they do have organic chemistry with the Blood Elves. They had the option to join either, and it makes sense with their shared plight situation similarities to be friends but beyond that, both are descended from Highborne cultures though Blood Elf culture shifted from the traditional way the Nightborne kept up the culture I still think it makes sense for the two Highborne descended races to be close.

So when choosing allegiances I took it a little more like Thalyssra wanted to like the Night Elves, heard what Tyrande had to say and was more of a major eye roll like “here we go again” the way Highborne culture was so perfectly preserved with the Nightborne (I know some Highborne did go back to NE society but they didn’t have the epicenter of Suramar to fall back on) I just don’t think the two would have got on very well. So when making the decision she went with who she felt related and understood her people better and who genuinely had a better bond.

I know a lot of Alliance dislike that but I have to say it was one of the things Blizzard has done that I’ve agreed with the most, Blood Elves and Nightborne getting on just fits, no matter how unhappy some people may be about it. On the other hand the continued hesitation of including Alliance High Elves is a decision I vehemently disagree with and believe they will include one day, but the decision to still not have them in as of now doesn’t make sense and is one of my biggest side eye moments looking at Blizzards decisions.


Horde players are VERY happy with Blood Elves, tyvm.

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Here to show my support for playable Quel’dorei for the Alliance.


Blood Elves joining the Horde made perfect sense and has contributed to making the WoW story highly interesting. The Alliance never deserved them.


Ewww. Sounds disgusting. :joy:

You’re right. The Alliance doesn’t deserve Blood Elves. Because it is something we are not requesting for.


Here to make a positively adamant statement on how I believe the Alliance should never get playable High Elves.

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She stated that Blood Elves going Horde didn’t make sense.
Did you miss what she said, because this comment you’ve made isn’t connected to it at all.
Do you have a problem with context?

Starla, we all know that there is gaps within the lore to why Blood Elves joining the Horde. So yes, she is correct to some extent. It is more of “The Blood Elves joining the Horde didn’t make sense in some parts”.


blood elves are high elves. they are virtually indistinguishable. if you want the high elf fantasy, you can have it. so you are in effect asking for blood elves

it was poor decision making only if you think high elves should have gone alliance and ignore everything between TFT wc3 expansion to TBC in wow


but not all High Elves are Blood Elves. How many times does this have to be explained to you?

People have been requesting for the lore. Something that the Anti’s, and Ion I should include, have been denying and ignoring

Maybe actually read my post properly before misquoting and only quoting part of a post:

Do you not see “gaps within the lore” part?


ah, just the overwhelmingly vast majority of high elves are blood elves

meaning what you are really asking for is blood elves because high elves are currently playable as THE BLOOD ELVES source: game director ion hazzikostas. do we still need to mark this as spoilers?

Well, I’m afraid you’re not doing the best job proving otherwise.


I am contemplating making wyrmrest my alliance server. I wonder if the names I’d want to reserve for my high elves are taken.

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Is this supposed to hurt my feelings? :joy_cat:

Some of them are, some of them are also by default, and then some of them are just “meh”.


I miss my Reno being on the forums. :sob:

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Same :sob:

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Devs then proceeded to make three of the prominent High Elves (ok one is dead and genocidal still though) literal lovers of humans. :stuck_out_tongue: Irony.


Kael’thas wanted some human potential too!


That wasn’t my intention, although most of you antis don’t seem to mind doing so to us pros.