High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Ask for the styles you want for the races you like.

I need braided styles for my belves, and more braids for my nelves. I also need tattoos for both, that would be grand.


Ahahaha yeah no they aren’t they aren’t going to take away customization options from the players. Especially when the options have been met with almost unanimous praise.

They are here to stay. Deal with it.


It’s more a matter of simply acquiring void Essence.

Locus-Walker suggests on Argus that many void entities would work but that the Darkened Naruu is the closest and convenient.

In the rift I’d assume being so close to the void they’d be able to summon beings of sufficient power to complete the transformation.

I don’t see much likelihood of the power ranges for those beings to immensely vary since there is at least a minimum.

Again there would be a minimum.

Further Alleria is among the more powerful void elves and followed exactly this process. She’s not mutated at all.

So the mutations are likely random.

Also… Gameplay wise (your raid) wouldn’t see a difference. Lol



I wouldn’t really mind if Void Elves were just generally more voidy and less elvy. Spooky void powers UNITE :smiley:

Yes they were once high elves.

I could see where a ‘void elf warrior’ wouldn’t be 1000% full on tentacles voidy, but still. I kinda agree with void elves being distinguished from the high elf lineage with more lore, more development. Maybe because I’m a tad selfish and want a ton more space, void themed stuff, but …

Well, there it is jurasic park gif

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Read my last few posts.

I see the new options as added lore.

That said I’d love more void options!

I’d start with tentacle toggle since that helps both sides of the velf coin, but adding void tattoos, some voidier eyes… Tentacle fingers? Is that too weird…

So what you said wasn’t true. The reverse is most likely true? Less void corruption = more resilience to the void’s unintentional influences. Otherwise Alleria would be the most transformed no?

You’ll have to elaborate on the void essence part.

So the power levels of the void entities they are consuming do not vary, but the response of the individual does vary? What is the variable? It just seems like some void elves are weaker than others, it doesn’t matter if it’s the less transformed or the more transformed ones, but the fact that that distinction seems like it exists feels really offputting to me.

We could get a very subdued smokey effect, almost like void form, but very subdued. That mayyyy erk some priests, but that would be a start.

I also wouldn’t mind generally more alien options. Make us less elvy. Some of us could develop tendrills of void running up our circulatory system. Or we could have smaller ears then the other elves… we are less feral afteral. Give us a less radiant eye color… make them glow but subdue that glow to a feint barely visible spark like deep skeletal eye sockets with a feint purple glow inside. … Every once in awhile we could shift and blur and feint a little, not like physically move in game, just have our image kind of… phase a tiny bit out of sync with. Sorta like a little jitter, nothing that could be construed a pvp advantage or w/e…

I kinda felt like they made us a bit more curvey for sex appeal, I kindof wanted to look more wasted away, not withered, but more skeletal with my void elf. Then I realized I have a bubble butt and that felt meh. Sometimes blizz just isn’t very brave or are truly lazy (not bad when they use that free time to stay sane and work on other stuff), and giving a diverse range of skin tones, is good for diversity and people who irl favor those skin tones, but less gamey and more or less bland and doesn’t make us void elves. It just establishes that elves kinda come in all colors… I was hoping for a scarier, starker, edgier, more emo look as a void elf. Vs what we kinda finally ended up with, but I also knew that people really love the Night elf, Nightborne, Blood elf, High elf fantasy and I just ignore it.

They talked about it in videos(maybe go watch them). It was posted on various website. There was an article on wowhead about it.

They really did make a big deal about it.

What kind of advertisement where you expecting? Something on your local news at 6?

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Like an actual advertisement, not interviews on WoW conventions and fansites. They kinda advertised it yeah I guess, but they really did not make a big deal about it. Link me the front page youtube ad video they must have made. Surely they got a celebrity to show off their enthusiasm like they have so many other times they’ve made a big deal about advertising this game, right? Like I just didn’t see it. I’m not saying it didn’t happen, I simply did not see it.

Then I have no idea what to tell you because that topic has thousands of replies and has been going for MONTHS as well as other topics and it’s had a lot of fanfare, especially on the forums.

How could you know so little about what’s going on with the game?

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This is a forum… not a big deal advertisement. I can see that you make a lot of posts on this forum and play the game a lot, but the world is WAAAAAAAAY bigger than just this.

Okay well sorry you aren’t more perceptive.

Dunno what to tell you dude lol.

I asked to be presented with the youtube advert they did. Does it not exist? If they made a big deal about advertising the feature, they would have got a celebrity to endorse it in a youtube video. I am sorry you feel you are so perceptive, because the precedent for blizzard to go all in with advertising is very clearly set at a very high level. This didn’t have any ads as far as I know. I saw that they talked about it, of course I was aware of the feature.

I just don’t agree that they made a big deal about advertising it. There were a few posts on mmo-champion and wowhead from time to time. They did not pay a million dollars to miley cyrus to get her to freak out over void elves finally being able to pretend they are high elves.

Well that’s too bad you don’t agree because you’re wrong so anyways. They don’t need a big celebrity for it to be a big deal.

It was a big deal among the player base.

Which apparently you aren’t apart of so I’m not even sure why you care at this point.

But you’ve been nothing but a complete hostile jerk to everyone in this forum and i’m done with your crappy attitude. Enjoy whatever game you move on to.

Also, there have been various youtube videos from various streamers discussing the new customizations. The new customizations are a HUGE selling point for the expansion(and has been advertised as part of it). Honestly, if you’ve missed all that then I have no idea what to tell you because it definitely has been advertised and it has been advertised in many places.

I agree that they advertised it, I only take issue with the “big deal over advertising”.

Simply not true lol. But yeah, we can agree to disagree.

I definitely have been more than just a “hostile jerk” in this thread, let alone this entire forum. But yeah, keep on chasing the bad guys of the world.

Content creators do it to make money through views, not by getting paid by blizzard. They shill for blizzard. Why would blizzard pay a content creator a cent? It’s literally free advertisement that they don’t have to endorse. To you they are a huge selling point of the expansion, but to me that’s the tower of the damned, the raids, the covenants, the new dungeons, the new zones. Some little sideshow that introduces racist undertones? Nah. I don’t think that’s the main draw.

The one in question I believe hit cap.

Are you not aware of them announcing the addition of new customizations when they announced Shadowlands?

You appear to be trying to read into it too far.

The void Essence of a sufficiently powerful entity needs to be consumed to fully access the void based powers of a void elf. It’s what causes the change from high elf to void elf.

It needs to be strong enough but that doesn’t mean the void elf will gain more than any other would from it. Not does it mean it would be resisted.

High elves going through this would willingly consume it.

In the case of the first void elves the void Essence was acquired through the Ethereal trap that was meant to turn them into void creatures… And was forced on them.

The mutations one seems are likely random and don’t measure any increase or decrease of power.

You mean from blood elf into void elf. You are a group of blood elf rejects, not some hidden source of high elves transformed into void elves. Magister Umbric and his followers, are not high elves.

Ah so it’s just RNG. No, that’s not how biology works lol, there is a reason behind resistance.

Which high elves? I killed the rest of them. You keep referring to high elves, but they don’t exist in the lore of void elves.

So the first case it was unintentional, but now it is intentional and controlled. I don’t see how the two are related beyond that.

That just sounds like your own perspective though. The lore suggests otherwise, and my understanding of biology suggests otherwise as well. That’s the real reason I’m not staying subbed over this, it introduces racist undertones. Just like the human skin tone limitations. This feature was poorly implemented, and it is definitely subject to change because of how sensitive of an issue it is.

This conversation has for sure run its course though. I can’t add anything else from my perspective and I’ve heard and understand your perspective.

Are Blood elves not High elves?

Two things.

One biology and specifically mutation does in fact actually work along those lines.

Two… its magic dude.

Did you? Why would you murder your own people?

When did you do this? Cause there seem to be a lot of High Elves around.

Its supported by what has happened in the lore and those who are being taught right now by Locus-Walker.

You are right, that it would be nice for Blizzard to codify the whole thing and give us much more clear information, but a simple jaunt around the Rift and knowing what was said between Locus-Walker and Alleria during Argus paints a fairly clear picture.

Biology has rarely been a major factor for races in blizzard games. Its all just assumed it works.

In a world of fantasy and literal magic such things are not really super important.

Hmm? How so? I’m genuinely curious from your perspective.

I guess, but you word it like there is this abundant source of high elves turning into void elves. That is not the case. The void elves are most likely just you know, procreating with each other from within their population because life goes on and you had significant enough numbers from after you were cast out from quel’thalas. You’re ren’dorei now. There is no high elf middleground. No new population.

Ah it’s just magic so it’s fine for it to seem racist.

Yes, I did. They are friendly to alliance, and hostile to horde. It was a culling. There are a lot of sin’dorei, a fair amount of ren’dorei. I don’t see many high elves outside of dalaran in wotlk though. When I find them I will kill them if it is possible, rest assured. The sin’dorei are horde now.

Again, racism, “it just works.”

The racist undertones are you can’t be mixed as a human, so you’re either 100% white, 100% black, or 100% asian. Segregation is real in Azeroth. Relating to the changes to void elves though, I already explained how I felt about that. I’m not okay with the excuse of “it’s just magic”. It’s not just magic, we understand exactly what is happening clearly during the process. It’s not some woo particles, it is literally a quantifiable process from a lore perspective. It’s also just messed up to give the blood elves 1:1 to the alliance. There is literally no distinction depending on the blood elf’s hair color since they can have blue hair now. Imagine if mag’har orc were given to alliance. How is that any different?

Were the Mag’har part of the Alliance since 2005 like High Elves have been?

The developers stated they’re high elf customization options.