High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

give highelves for alliance, like silver covenant!


I rolled VE cuz their skybox is pretty as forever. And they got cosmic white noise as music and galaxies in their home. Also they are an alternative to blindly placing faith into Xer’ra.

They are totally disconnected from nature and Azeroth and nothing like what else we have in game. They’re also freeee of the old gods and a cut above that kind of corruption as they are an embodiment of the primal forces that created the old gods. Stopped the light from enslaving the universe and essentially creating a dystopia of mindless soldiers designed only to keep the void utterly imprisoned and at the lights mercy.

I have to agree with Lights at this point. As much as I had wished otherwise, and we had gotten playable Alliance High Elves as their own allied race, we got Void Elves and Blizzard seems intent on making them the Alliance’s playable High Elves.

The best that I think can be done going forward, is to ask for options and lore additions that expand upon Void Elves and tells us the story of what’s drawing Alliance High Elves (and defecting Horde Blood Elves) to join the Ren’dorei.

A tentacle toggle and a few traditional hair colors (though not necessarily the same shades Blood Elves have) is all that’s left to give Void Elves the High Elf aesthetic. Copying the hairstyles and hair colors from Blood Elves is not necessary.

I like the idea of adding Kul Tiran hair colors and Human hairstyles for a number of reasons. First, it doesn’t copy/paste more from Blood Elves. Second, it would showcase the fact that Alliance High Elves have been “intermingling” with Humans for some time now, as we have been reminded multiple times both in-game and out. Third, it preserves distinction between Blood Elves and Void Elves.

Ideally, if my wish for the Kul Tiran hair colors and human hairstyles ever came to pass, Blizzard would retrofit some of the Alliance High Elf NPC’s with those options and/or Void Elf hairstyles with tentacles turned off and using the new colors, to showcase that this is how these options are coming to the player Void Elves.


You’re a void elf, why would you not agree with the person defending blood elf options for void elves? Why do you have a blue border behind your character if you’re a blood elf anyway?

edit: People don’t realize how much this cheapens the void identity of void elves either. You are playing one because you like the idea of being a fair skinned elf on alliance 99% of the time. It should be because you like the fantasy of the void like Velisera, but instead, you are just a blood elf poser. Blizzard pandering to people like you was a mistake. Now the real void elves lost their identity, and blood elves lost their identity too.

This change was actually just smoothbrained 100%.

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What do you mean “why would you not agree with the person defending blood elf options for void elves”? Lights was an avid opponent to Void Elves getting anything from Blood Elves at all for the bulk of the debate. As far as I know Lights is still against more Blood Elf stuff being copy/pasted to Void Elves… as am I, which I pretty much say in the post you replied to. So I don’t understand why you think I’m asking for Blood Elf stuff because I’m not.

Void Elves still have all their void-themed options and I am still seeing players using those options. I still use those options on other Void Elf characters. I also have a wish list for more void themed options. If you want to call me names there’s not much I can do to stop you. :man_shrugging:

I will say that more variety does not take away from the void elf theme. A tentacle toggle doesn’t just remove tentacles, it can also add them to all the hairstyles that don’t have them currently! Isn’t that a good option for those who want more void themes? I think it is.

WHO? How am I supposed to know who this person is? Why should I care? They’re a nobody to me. Always have been and always will be. Not sure what else I could say in response to the first paragraph.

Yes, they have these options. the majority pretend they don’t exist. You even identify personally as a high elf LOL. You’re not. You will never be a high elf. Blood elves are high elves. That one npc, he’s a remnant. When he dies, that’s it. He doesn’t die though because each zone is essentially stuck in the period of time it started in. Time does not progress in this game unless the story progresses, and that story is not going anywhere. There is no future for the lonely “high elves” of that lodge in wherever it is. I’ve actually killed everyone in the quel’thilien lodge in my game. If you want to get personal about lore, they no longer exist.

What names did I call you though? You are a blood elf poser. You don’t identify as a void elf, you identify as a “high elf”, what that is, is a blood elf. I’m not calling you a name, I am describing your behaviour and disposition with a label. How is it insulting to want to be like a blood elf? I am a blood elf. Of course you want to be like me, why else would this thread exist? How is it an insult that you want to be like me?

Yes, it does remove tentacles. Only a minority would use them. You would only see traces of the void on .01% of “void” elves(as if we can really call them that anymore), while everyone else would be running around pretending they are a high elf like you.

You don’t get to choose whether you are exhibiting the void or not, you ARE A VOID ELF.


To be fair, I just don’t like the tentacles… So I don’t use them. It would be nice if they were a toggle so I have access to other hair options than… What is it three?


Then you really shouldn’t be playing void elf and it’s lucky/wrong that you even have three options. The void is your identity as a race. The tentacles are a symptom of the void. It’s weird that it’s even an option to not have them. Really really weird and wrong.


You certainly are hostile… and I’m not sure what I did to elicit this hostility.

The main points from the post you replied to were:

  • Copying the hairstyles and hair colors from Blood Elves is not necessary.
  • Providing options from other Alliance races instead of Blood Elves preserves distinction between them and Void Elves
  • Adding lore to the game that not only expands on the Void Elf background, but also helps to explain why they have these new options, would be nice.
  • A tentacle toggle adds options for those who want to lean more into the void them and those that don’t.

If you’re going to call me a “poser” because I chose to use a certain skin color, I don’t really know how to respond to that. My character is a Void Elf. His racial tag will likely always say Void Elf. He still turns blue when Entropic Embrace procs. I’m not trying to “be like you”. I’m trying to get more options and development for Void Elves, and not just them, but Blood Elves and Nightborne as well since I have several characters of those races.

You seem to be angry about something I did and I am not sure what it is other than that I chose to use a certain skin color. :man_shrugging:


No. It’s something blizzard gave me as an option so I choose it.

In an expansion with a major feature directed towards character options, giving Void Elves the option to hide tentacles is a good move.

It increases our options. Not to mention it would in theory add tentacle options to the few hairstyles that don’t have them.

Yes it is.

No you’re just letting your unhappiness at a set of skintones being given to us negate actual options void elves would enjoy seeing.

Rather I find it as an expansion to void elves in general.

Those wayfarers and scholars are finally competing thier training and joining us. Their level of mutation tied to whatever power level of the void entity they are able to summon and consume to complete the process.

We need a way to create more void elves and this finally sets that story going.


Why wouldn’t I be hostile? You got what you wanted and the game is broken to me as a result. I’m saying my last words until the sub runs out and then I will resub when blizzard listens to the concerns of people like me. If not then it’s whatever, this is the last month I will be present on this forum and we’re already mostly through my sub.

You do not need more hair options at all, blood elves do. Giving you more hair options without void characteristics means blood elves have less options available in the future. We share the same exact body model, there are only so many viable hair options. You already have taken several hair options that should have been only for blood elves, now blood elves will never see them. Or else that would lower the distinction between blood elves and void elves even further. There can be no more “normal” hair styles for void elves. It is literally unfair to the blood elves.

No, it doesn’t. It makes blood elves more angry because we’re getting even further shafted in hair style options like I just explained.

No, it doesn’t, it dilutes and distracts from the actual identity of your race: Void. Just because you can explain why a mistake was made, doesn’t make it correct. It’s just rationalizing stupidity.

Yes, more options, less quality. Less is more.

You ARE a poser. I’m not calling you one, you literally are one by definition. You don’t play void elf to be a void elf, you play void elf because of the player model and the fact that you can have fair skin now. You want more, you want natural hair tones, you want lacking tentacles, you want it all. Blizzard already did enough to make people cancel their subs, and you want them to do more.

What you want is not healthy for the game. You’re just a spoiled and entitled person who is crying a lot.

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Ah so void elves without tentacles or blue skin are actually weaker. Sorry you’re a weak void elf, not allowed in my raids. I only accept ones that are actually strong enough to handle the full force of the void. No tentacles, no blue skin? Get out of my guild you reject.

edit: New word for faux void elves: Soy Elves. Too much soy, couldn’t handle the void.

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I’m sorry you’re unhappy about the options Void Elves got (and probably will get once allied races get their customization pass).

I don’t agree with you that any hairstyle that Void Elves currently have is an option that should have gone to Blood Elves. The only hairstyles Void Elves currently have were made for Void Elves.

I do think Blood Elves need more options but that doesn’t have much to do with whatever options Void Elves currently have or get as long as they aren’t copy/pastes from Blood Elves.

Void Elves getting options from other Alliance races has nothing to do with Blood Elves. :man_shrugging:

I’ll leave you with this though… if you’re expecting Blizzard are going to somehow take options away from Void Elves in the future, or never give them any new options going forward, you’re probably in for a bad time.


Yes not being subbed to WoW in a time when we have too many great games to play, such a bad time LOL. If you think that unprecedented events will never occur, you’re the one who is in for an actually bad time.

No, I’m in for the same time more or less. Only actually a better time because I won’t be forcing myself to play a game that makes changes I don’t agree with.

All you soy elves LOL. Literally lore proves that you’re inferior to the others if you have fair skin and lack tentacles as a void elf. Not enough power to handle the void. True soy elf.

They aren’t going to take away customizations that they made a big deal over advertising and have already implemented.

It’s pretty much here to stay.


I never saw any advertisement for it.

Not sure where you got the idea that they’re weaker? Lol

Guess if you don’t have an actual response to my first bit you must have found no issue with it.

Honestly it sounds like a break from wow is a good idea for you.

If this is breaking the game for you then by all means take a year or two. Games shouldn’t cause you this much stress.

So you didn’t see this announcement?


Or this?

Or this?


This is how I got the idea. Straight from you. Correct me if I am wrong, but the void is something you take advantage of, so you would want to consume as powerful of a void entity as you are capable of no? So if you are consuming a weaker void entity, you are weaker. I personally wouldn’t want a soy elf in my raid groups from an RP perspective. I would want void elves with strong void characteristics.

I’m not the one who made the lore this way.

a forum post is not an advertisement. Let alone “making a big deal over advertising”

edit: No, I literally saw NO advertisements about it. Isn’t blizzardwatch just another blue post thing too? So you’re referring to another forum post. Show me an advertisement that was visible to the public. I did not see any ads for it. Even if it were advertised though, they never “made a big deal” over advertising it.