High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

One day they’re gonna revert this change.

I’m sure it’ll happen in Delusionaland :slight_smile:

Sure, 2021

edit: Seriously though the amount of hate this is going to introduce to the community is just going to grow and grow until they finally decide “We can’t keep banning people because they are upset. We actually shouldn’t have done this, subs are beginning to suffer”

Honey, you gotta slow down on those morning mimosas…

Or at least share :wink:

Nawh it was a toxic decision and in the end it will end up hurting the community. Introducing true poser vibes to the alliance is like throwing a dog a rotten bone.

And it would be an even more toxic decision for them to genocide/recton an entire race lol?

Are you listening to yourself right now?

“Blizzard should just remove void elves because it’ll hurt the community”.

Honestly, get outta here lol.

??? You never existed. It’s not genocide. It’s a video game. They made a mistake, they can die on the hill or revert it. Short term they will experience some profit, long term it will hurt the game.

edit: And no, don’t remove void elves. Keep void elves void elves. You’re not a blood elf. You have no business sharing our appearance.

Or you can get over it and move on? They’re not getting rid of void elves dude. lol.

I will, but it won’t be in the way of continuing playing.

“Blizzard isn’t giving me high elves, even though I have tons of high elf customizations. They should totally remove void elves because I think retconning a whole race and turn them into high elves is a good idea… DO IT or I QUIT” (just summarizing what you said)

Okay then, Caillou.

Bye then!



No, I never said any of that. Are you caillou in this case? You sound like the one crying here.

I am using the rest of my sub time to state my opinion so that it is out there in the community. Then when blizzard decides to fix their game that they broke by reverting the mistake of giving void elves the skin of blood elves, I can resub.

The only one crying here is you, I have nothing to lose. Only you(and blizzard, because my sub isn’t reactivating) are the ones who have something to lose here. You are attached to the mistake blizzard made of giving void elves blood elf skin. I am not attached to this game.

Yeah because you went back and edited your posts lol.

I’m cryin alright, but it’s with laughter.

Yeah to fix grammatical errors. I never once held the disposition you suggested. Now you’re trying to manipulate based on implied misinformation.

Keep crying of laughter though, I’m sure that will continue when blizzard removes the option of fair skin on void elves(the only thing I’ve ever requested in this thread, in case anyone fell for their manipulation).

edit: It’s not a “do it or I quit” argument either. They did it, my sub is cancelled. It’s a “ball in blizzards court” argument. My position is what it is, I will not be playing this game with this change.

lol and keep being delusional thinking blizzard is going to remove customizations they’ve already added.

I mean, keep being delusional to think you know what the future holds in store for anyone. Let alone you poser void elves.

I don’t but I have enough brains and common sense to know that Blizzard would never do that.

You’re just lashing out now.

Ahhhhhhhh, the common sense of believing in the future that suits your interests over the future that is real and unknowable.

You’ve run out of mana, so all I’m getting from you is error messages. What do you have to say at this point? If all you can do is say “you’re dumb and wrong” you’ve lost the argument.

There was never an argument to begin with because Blizzard will never remove already added customizations. You talk about “hurting the community” and blah blah etc but it would hurt them more to go back on giving void elves the regular skin tones.

But yeah, if it makes you feel better thinking you won an imaginary argument, you do you, sugar boo.

I hope you find a game in the future you enjoy! <3

I already have too many games I enjoy. I don’t know how people view this as a concern in 2020. Maybe it’s because lots of people have only played WoW since 2004 or whenever they started.

edit: I’m gonna contradict myself with this edit, but I already had prior. It’s not like I’m changing my position like you implied tho. Just never say never. If the change proves to be harmful to the game, obviously they will revert it. Unprecedented events occur EVERY DAY.

Listen, as much as I support the addition of races and the like for RPGs, it’s time this thread take a nap. For about an expansion or two.

Void Elves and Blood Elves got a TON of love in the recent update. Some that NO ONE was expecting (black Void Elves? Oh yes, don’t mind if I do make a few :smile: )

However, several races either got short ended, or left out of the fun entirely. It’s my opinion that they get some attention first, before Void/Blood/High Elves get anything more than they have.