High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

high elf ranger and ranger lord hawkspear!

He is Nuetral now but Nathanos is our enemy too! We should be able to be friends!


you know you have blood elves in telogrus right?

Theoretically they were going to be the basis for the void elf green eyes that were datamined a while ago. Thank goodness that didn’t come to pass


Personally, I wouldn’t mind if they had green eyes. Those blood elves are there. They should be playable.

It’d make sense, I just don’t think it’d go over well with the Belf crowd. If I were Blizz I would’ve made every elf in the rift a High Elf

Fun fact, the High Elves in the rift still use DK eyes lol

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There’s a shorter hairstyle female void elves have with tentacles, I’d kill for them and blood elves to get a de-tentacled version of that.

Look at orcs, trolls, and especially goblins and gnomes (and others, even).

If their hair colors can work, and all this other magic and fantasy mumbo jumbo can too, more varied hair colors for everyone is not out of the question at all.

If we have giant ships running on oil I don’t think hair dye is too crazy.


Complaining about people asking for something… is nagging.
all because you feel some great love for a video game race.

Just let people be happy…
I personally dont care i look cute as fudge right now…
so i’m definitely not nagging.

grow up henny

it makes sense in the lore that there are some blood elves joining the void elves, umbric was a blood elf

here to show my support for playable HIGHELVES.

Not void , blood but HIGHelves, like silvercovenant faction.

Please, make them playable Blizzard!


I figure the eye color of green being that it’s temporary and according to blizz going to go away with time, that when the blood elf scholars go through the final trial (like Alleria) to become a void elf, they lose the Fel Green color and it goes bluish. Or purple as the case may be.

or not. maybe they still have the color green, personally I don’t care.

today with my paladin high elf paladin visit the last high elves of QuelLithien Lodge! Hawkspear’s only reason for not accepting lorthemar’s help was Nathanos, now that we have high elves and nathanos is our enemy, it would be great if we could rebuild QuelLithien together



Did I do this right? Lol.

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It shows up, yes. But it shows up as an album. When I link images, I prefer to link the image directly, by right clicking and selecting Copy Image Location. Like this:

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This is my first time using imgur. :stuck_out_tongue:


Is this the short style you want for Blood Elves without tentacles? (pic shows the style with tentacles turned off)


Yeah, that’s the one.

I think it’s super cute.


And as you can see it looks very nice without the tentacles! If I had a version of it on a Blood Elf like the other pic I would have posted it but I didn’t make these so I can only post what others have done with model viewers and being able to change textures or turn things like tentacles off.


Hopefully hair color news soon.


Better make highelves as allied race, and leave void elves for their own path.

Don’t mind customization for void elves to look like highelves…but alliance want REAL highelves?

I am aware, I am also aware that the original VE where previously BE. I was one of the people that complained about that origin story. But that’s what ever now.

Kinda meh about that idea, but I think Lorithyn got the right idea on it, hardcore BE players is already having a cow about VE having different skin tones, they would be louder if we had their eyes too. Though it is still a possibility when the AR get’s the customization pass. After all I beleive the only reason why the skins/blue eyes gotten released early is to prevent the hardcore HE fans from getting too angry.