High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Don’t encourage void elf paladins please. :stuck_out_tongue:

But I wouldn’t mind VE druids, with void beast transformations!

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As long as they make sense.

Night Elves could work as a Paladin-equivalent, given that they access the Light through Elune.

I am not for them. Although in a game with Lightforged Draenei Death Knights and Lightforged Undead like Calia - I guess anything goes?

Disagree. I think they are neat, however, I think something more like a sub-race to Draenei would have made more sense. But given that they were going ‘allied race’, they went this route.
Alternatively, could’ve just been customizations to unlock for Draenei characters with no other gameplay impact. That would’ve been cool. Could’ve had a few other races have the option to unlock ‘Lightforging’ as a customization option.

I like this option. Otherwise - no on Void Elf Paladins.

Not really. It was overthinking and being a tad out of touch with the community. Also, I truly believe someone in the creative department simply demands as much distinction between the factions as possible in as many regards as possible — story be damned.

Agreed, unfortunately it backfired.
Since the new xpac was going to be all about character customization, the easiest fix to ‘give the community what it really wanted’ was to make the High Elf look just a customization option (an acceptable compromise to most, but not all) rather than a separate race selection (as was actually requested).

Didn’t make sense storywise.

High Elves rejected demon magic with the Blood Elves, among other radical practices.
Why would they go towards something worse?

Maybe to most, but not all. I think part of the reason the customization options were as well received as they were is that the furor over having High Elves lasted the entire expansion. The people in support of it just wanted something and it seems like a majority (no data to support that assertion) were willing to accept that as a compromise.


I honestly think Void Elves should’ve been a neutral option that was unlocked during BFA, potentially in advance of 8.3.
The option that SHOULD have been unlocked in late Legion / early BFA was Silver Covenant High Elves. Void Elves should’ve been a customization option for High Elves on Alliance and Blood Elves on Horde.

Agreed. (Unless the customization option turns you into a High Elf…an ACTUAL high elf…replaced racials and everything…in which case that’d be fine).


Surprised this thread is still going, but neat that it is. Hopefully it shows at least the developers and decision makers that Alliance High Elves are a good idea.


If we get a High Elf Tag/Subrace option then yeah. I’d personally like High Elf Druids as well. I’d like to see the same thing done with Dwarves too. Have A Wildhammer Tag/Subrace which would open up druids.



Including for Wildhammers.

I get why, from a system level, why they chose the option they did.

But maybe in the future they can throw a bone to people who want Wildhammers and High Elves as separate options.

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I think the only way for Void Elf Paladins to make any sort of sense… and this is really stretching the word “sense”… would be if Night Elves got access to the Paladin class but drawing power from the dark aspect of Elune (Night Warrior), so as to set some sort of precedent that a Paladin does not necessarily need to wield the light.

Then Void Elves having a void wielding Paladin might make sense (in the loosest sense of the word). But this would require Blizzard to jump through a lot of different hoops to force a square peg into a round hole. I don’t really see them doing it unless they come up with something so enamoring to them that the “rule of cool” trumps any sort of logic, lore, or sense.

I get it too. I also understand why they’re adding the High Elf customization through Void Elves rather than making them their own race. It’s an easy way of adding them for 1. For 2, i get the feeling blizzard doesn’t want yet another dead allied race on the Alliance. If they made High Elves their own race then it’s not too outlandish to assume most Void Elf players might just convert over to High Elves. But this is why i wish they just had them be High Elves from the start and the Voids could have been a subfaction who joined them.

Going forward i think a “subrace” system is going to be the next phase of how new races will work. Allied races are probably done for the most part, unless we get something like Ogres using the KT rig or something like Tuskarr using the Pandaren rig etc.

There’s various subrace alternatives that i think is the next phase. Maybe not in Shadowlands but probably soon after.

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Just need natural hair colors and a hide tentacle option for the void elves. The natural skins clash now with the void hair.


Or how about we make the Thalassians Elves neutral?! I have a thread started called Probably an Unpopular Opinion and Suggestion, talking about that very matter. For Alliance, they get the generic Thalassian options and get Void Elf options. For Horde, they get the generic Thalassian options and get Darkfallen (Dark Rangers/San’layn) options.

What would the point be in making them “neutral” when we can essentially have all of that but with the 2 existing Thalassian races? I don’t think making them “neutral” would accomplish much. If anything it might harm both of them. Especially if it involved Quel’Thalas as a kingdom being some neutral place for them. I don’t see that happening and if it did i don’t think it would end well. I think that would just give them the Pandaren effect where they become irrelevant especially in a 2 faction setting.

Void/Highs exist on the Alliance and i think we’re on the road to getting proper customizations. Blood Elves exist on the Horde and hopefully either they or the Forsaken get Dark Ranger/San’layn options. Rather than making them “neutral” I’d prefer if the Void/Highs build up their own Kingdom or some major holding they can call home in the Alliance. Whether that’s Telogrus Rift, The hinterlands, or even a place like Dalaran etc. On the flip side i’d like to see Quel’Thalas/Silvermoon updated for the Blood Elves.


They’re not going to change two races anymore than they will delete them.

Abandon such ideas.


Me and you both, my fellow Dwarven friend. An updated Quel’thalas would be amazing and I mean all of Quel’thalas!

As for the whole neutral thing. The Blood and High Elves have been making progress in rekindling their relationship, but that doesn’t mean all the High Elves are joining the Horde left and right. Also, the Blood Elves have expressed displeasure with the Horde and reached out to the Alliance for peace and surely with Anduin and Turalyon, husband to a famous High Elf that wishes for Quel’thalas to become Alliance again, would happily continue talks of peace and allying together.

I do see your point though. Making the place neutral might be difficult and will likely cause some problems. Perhaps Silvermoon only allows the Alliance Thalassians within their territories, but none of the other Alliance races. Same can go for the Alliance Thalassian city only allowing the Horde Thalassians in. It’d be a process and something else entirely may need to be figured out.

I will not! I think it is a fine idea and I’m happy with it! Now, if you have other suggestions that can make it work better or do something entirely different that can make both sides happy, then please share~!

Also, I’d appreciate you going to my forum post to express these thoughts and suggestions to give it more life.

You’ll never get high elves, all you have is BE & VE imitations, and that’s the end of it.


It’s not that the idea isn’t “fine”, it’s that it’s unrealistic to ask for. Blizzard is simply not going to up end the status quo by taking two races that are mechanically different in numerous ways (different factions, different racials, different starting areas, one has to be unlocked, etc) and mushing them together and call them neutral. It’s just not going to happen.

You’re basically asking the devs to invest a ton of time and effort to do a lot of under the hood code work just to smush two races into one and make them neutral like Pandaren. They just aren’t going to do that no matter how good you might think the idea is because, frankly, it’s a waste of development time and resources, that doesn’t pay out enough of a return for the effort.

Each faction has their Thalassian elf. You’d have more luck asking Blizzard to allow us to customize our racial tag and racial abilities aesthetically so as to truly fulfill the racial fantasy you’re looking for.

I’ve seen such an idea bandied about on MMO champion where you could click something in the character creation UI and it basically sets your race tag to a specific option (like say Wildhammer Dwarf, Sandfury Troll, Dragonmaw Orc, or yes High Elf) and while the racials don’t change in function, they get new icons, visual effects, and names to fit the sub-race you picked.

That’s a lot of work too, but its a system that would benefit all races and thus is a more efficient use of development time and resources. And even then the devs may still think such an idea is too much of an investment for too little return.

Asking for Void Elves and Blood Elves to become a single neutral race is a waste of time because the devs would never even entertain the idea. They’d be more likely to allow us to betray our faction than to fundamentally change two existing races into one neutral race. Your idea isn’t so much bad, as it is impractical from a development cost/benefit point of view.

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Yeah. Carry on as they are right now but add natural hair colors.

Belfs and velfs aren’t neutral races.

Like nico says it’s really unrealistic to think that something like you suggest will happen.

We need to work with what we have.


Naw dawg. You can just play a blood elf. My velf needs more void options.

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Velfs do need more options.

Start with natural hair colors (maybe using the KT hair color and style).

Then when they do the AR pass let’s get some neat new void stuff.


Play a blood elf then yo. I need more void corruption. I want to be a blueberry monster!! I want claws and void protusions popping out. Customization for the wings. Things of that nature. Not more blood elf stuff thats why i play velf LOL.


I do play several blood elves.

Also don’t assume things about me. My Velf is remaining a blueberry.

Blizzard needs to finish their job giving high elf options to both velf and belf.

I have no doubt that during the patches where they work on AR’s we’ll see plenty of void options added…

Also hopefully scars and tattoos and ear options.


What more do blood elf need? I want more monster stuff for velfs.

Don’t think you read what I said right.

Though since you asked.

Belf could use tattoos scars and maybe purple eyes.