High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Not sure if a void-themed race was necessary unless it was Ethereals. Could’ve been worked into a Belf priest option if Blizz wanted to give class based customization a try, especially since Belves are well suited for it

Should’ve went with half elves if Blizz wanted to preserve faction identity, they’re supposedly uniquely an Allaince thing. Unfortunately the existence of Velves makes half elves and Ethereals much less likely :frowning:

But I’m guessing they would’ve been more work, and they probably would’ve turning out like Nightborne.

If we get “Void Elf” Paladins i think the best explanation lorewise for them be that they’re regular High Elves that use the light similar to humans rather than Void Elves.

I don’t know if this is something that would happen sometime soon but if we get a proper Sub Race system or a racial tag. i think it’s a possiblity. Meaning if you select Void Elf you could have option to select “High Elf” which would unlock the Paladin class for Alliance Thalassians & replace the visual effect of their racials with something that fits the High Elf fantasy.

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I believe Nightborne would’ve turned out better if they hadn’t been rushed. Come to think of it, rushed development is probably why Velves got green lit as well

“The Alliance need something to fill this slot, since Nightborne are going Horde. Hmm, Alleria’s Void plot is cool. Ok, let’s go with that.” is something along the lines of what I assume happened.


It was definitely an attempt to throw a bone to us Helfers. Its sad to think of what could’ve been had they just waited a bit

Hmm, maybe. It’s also that Nightborne were kind of the Night Elf AR, and went Horde, so for balance a Thalassian AR went Alliance.

It’ll never cease to amaze me that they didn’t create velves out of helves. What was Blizz thinking

Which is what it should of been, especially if Blizzard really needed a “Void” story-line connected to a race, not only were they there on Argus, an Alliance character in Alleria was connected to them through Locus Walker and Ethereals were already an in-demand AR.

I’m sure their line of thinking was “We need a void themed race to connect our future stories to but there’s also that pesky High Elf request we don’t want to put a large amount of effort into.”

Two birds one stone.

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I imagine it was a time restraint. Building Ethereals that would’ve worked as player models probably wasn’t achievable at the time. I mean just look at how Nightbourne turned out


I think that’s exactly what it was too tbh. I don’t think the Void aspect would be as hated on if they simply came along as a Night Warrior style customization for High Elves.

Even for people who aren’t a fan of the Void stuff, i still think it would have been better received if they just had the High Elven customizations from the start.

It also doesn’t help that the Void Elves, at least the first bunch are literally Blood Elf exiles rather than Alliance High Elves.


I was actually pretty positive that Alleria and Umbric would play a greater role in 8.3 with N’zoth and all
 Well, I suppose they had to do Wrathion for the sake of faction neutrality.

It’s not like Demons can’t cast arcane magic though and arcane/fel are facing off against each other.

There are discipline priests that cast both. It seems like the Light scorching Undead is more of a feature of Light Magic than mutual exclusivity with other magic.

Void Elves also just have some void in them, varying degrees of it based on the tentacles so I don’t really see that as being some kind of deal breaker.


Still not going to listen.

No way for high elves, and wow, i am glad

Never say never my friend! If there is a way, we will find it!

After all what happened to the veterans of the army of the light? Did they join them as units and didn’t show up yet? They would include high elves you know

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We will not listen to you.

I just want them to follow up on the Alleria and Locus Walker story that they started and then just left hanging for nearly 3 years now.

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Will we also get Void Elf Druids as well?

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