High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I mean…ultimately it wont be done since most cases, if its just a skin texture thing you’re better off making it a customization option.

to day of today I see it impossible and more than now they have changed the form in which we choose the character, I doubt very much that they modify the one that is in the beta

I sort of wonder if they would do something like this, I do hope so. Even if the name in game is still the just the default tag like Dwarf or Void Elf what have you. The customizations would open the classes requested up, as well as affirm what you are even if you’re under the banner of this or that.

I think not, since the only reason for example that the dwarves are shamans is because of the wild hammer clan, the only thing they have done is put tattoos so that they can be represented

in the case of the skin tones of the voids elfs the same, they represent the voids elfs that have been able to control the void as alleria

I think it is simpler than many people think

Another thing is that they want them to do subraces and here I personally say no

and hopefully for me this I don’t think it happens that they involve the silver convenant with alleria and the void

Why would that be the case though when we see new HEs and BEs in the rift? Blizzard would do themselves a huge favor by allowing people the lore to be a HE that now joins the VEs, without the lore it seems a moot point. And to be honest the wayfarer lore added in would be both easy and make people happy.

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The problem in this and what is being discussed a lot is that they cannot have paladins.

I am happy with this, they have the lore of the helfs evolve to an important power source and give better history to the void elfs, giving a very differentiating effect against the blood elfs, and at the same time they have the aesthetics that they love of the high elves

but there are people who have to be all or nothing and it already seems toxic to me

But you know that most of the blood elfs have said that this is perfect as the matter has turned out, leaving the two parts well differentiated and happy

but many helfs keep pushing with sub-terrace ideas to have the title of high elf or to have paladins, I think what was shown is fine, add to the best more hair customizations for the elf voids, increase your lore and voila

but from what has been seen nope, they go on and on

The HE community is a decent sized community within WoW, there’s always going to be agreement or disagreement in WoW especially on the forums. But the lore being added to VEs to encompass the High Elf Wayfarers we already see in the rift seems like a very silly thing to not include. Not everyone is ever going to be happy at any given time, but at least if Blizzard is going to do the thing, do it right, include the lore that should be added to encompass new recruits.


I strongly agree with you on this and I would like most prohelfs to see it that way

Would hope they’re eluding to this, as in the announcement for the options, they specifically said “Some of you will find this very exciting”, like they know what they’re doing, pretending that ham-fisting the issue again will solve anything is obtuse thinking.

I seriously doubt anyone over there thought, “giving void elves these options and these options alone will end the debate”.


Can’t say we’re not consistent. We’ve said for two years that giving High Elf skin tones to Void Elves would lead to more requests so we can play what we want.


Much sense what you say, but I think that at the end of the road they are already finding a wall
We will have to wait when they do the event and see what they say

I’d really like to see their thought process in the decision to give the aesthetic to Void Elves, like did they think about what that would do to Void Elves?

Did they think “that’s enough”?

When the entire reason we were asking for a separate AR was because the VE aesthetic didn’t fit the HE demand.


Has blizzard confirmed yet if these are “high elf” skin tones?

Still haven’t seen them mention anything about high elves officially…

Jussssst sayin’

Not at all, but it’s strongly eluded too.

If it was just a matter of skin tones they wouldn’t have also gotten blue and purple eyes which is a high elf staple.

Like I mentioned above, I want the thought process behind all this.

I wouldn’t really say it’s been eluded to.

Especially when they honest to god said “void elves are getting blood elf skin tones”. People are still just throwing around assumptions at this point.

I wouldn’t really say they’ve got the monopoly on purple and blue eyes. The blood elves eyes can be explained by arcane energies in the sunwell and void elves have always had kinda blue eyes anyway. That could be explained by better control over the void, delving deeper etc.

But if they come out and say that these are specifically high elves skins i’ll happily eat crow and say I was wrong. I just wish they’d answer either way so this can all stop lol.

Which are just regular skin tones, blood elf skin tones aren’t owned by blood elves.

They almost exclusively do, blood elf eyes are green and yellow, aesthetic wise, high elves are always shown with blue and purple.

You have no idea. :face_with_head_bandage:

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They talked about it as blood elves skin tones, because they are the ones currently in the game, and it is what it is, they are passing blood elves skin tones

The rest is pure speculation, and we believe the main justification is that the high elves and bloods elfs outside Telerus Rift are playable.

everything else would be lying or telling fantasies

Well it was up until recently blood elf eyes were exclusively green. Now they’re exclusively green and yellow. Maybe now they will be exclusively green, blue and yellow?

Like I said, the new Sunwell is Arcane AND Holy energy. It’s really not out of the realm of possibility that they’re getting blue eyes again because of it.

It’s funny you say the skintones aren’t owned by the blood elves but then say that blue eyes are some how specifically owned by high elves though when there are instances of blood elves with blue eyes.

Why are people debating the eye thing?
We’re confirmed getting blue eyes. They’re on the blue post and in the WoWhead dressing room.