High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

Let’s just forget that before you yell at us again.

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Yesterday’s Enemy is Today’s Ally.

Especially when said Enemy is led by a Hero of the Blood Elves.

Especially during desperate times of Survival.

So yes, it is okay for Blood Elves to become friends with Freed Undead.

In concept I love the idea. There might be some bumps in terms of logistics (like how this can’t really apply to every race), but it would be a nice improvement in the presentation of Allied races.

I am by all means happy about the additional customization options for all races. However, if Blizz’s intentions are to work High Elves into Void Elves, I would hope they provide lore explaining this choice. Using the void just doesn’t seem like something High Elves would choose to do, in my opinion. If this is not Blizz’s intentions, then I am still hoping for playable High Elves someday that reflects their history and values along with a new model.


nobody knows what her true intentions are, she’s like garona.

This tweet has an amazing idea. Integrating subraces and Allied Races together as selections with core.

This is what Allied Races SHOULD have been.


Its the same model. All they did was modify it.
The issue is the textures applied which have lines creating an “old” and “dry” appearance.
The length of their limbs is the same as night elves proportion wise.

I mean…I’ve mentioned this a million times as to why I dislike AR’s.
People behave as if it is some unique system in itself.
Its just core race under a different name.
In either case, it wasnt possible in the past to do such a thing, and changing models just isnt possible as a customization choice due to the ancient architecture of WoW.

Choosing between models at character creation is well within WoW’s current capability. I’m not sure why you think it isn’t.

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Okay, what makes you believe that WoW’s architecture makes it such that you can change models?

Well let’s see. We have all sorts of costume toys that replace our model with another model.

We have Worgen that have both a Worgen model and a Human model that they switch between and have equivalent (soon to be decoupled) customizations between forms.

We have Orcs that used to be stuck as hunchbacks now able to swap to an upright model instead.

We have Polymorph and Hex spells that… change a character’s model! Who knew?!

The tech used for Orc’s posture selection could just as well serve to choose a different model. So say Blizzard wanted to expand body types and add a slimmed down version of the Stormwind Human as a option for Humans. They could have a UI option much like the Orc posture one where you select the alternative body model.


Okay…so what I read from this was…you observed something in game, and you believe that this observation means WoW has the architecture to allow you to change models.

This is false.
We’ll go one by one.

Spell effects do not “replace” your model in the same way that you would swap a character model in a customization option. This is why when you utilize the transmorpher, you often do not have sound.
Basically your real appearance is being “hidden” and the one you want to see is being shown over it.

Uhhh its the same model. What is being performed is an animation swap which is very feasible and easily performed. It is not a model swap.

WoW uses the WC3 engine as a base, and this WC3 engine base does not allow the models to be swapped. This is also why it is impossible to dye your armor different colors, and why your chest/leg armor is a skin and not an actual armor piece that sits on top of the model.

You are mistaking spell effects to be the same kind of coding as going to character customization and choosing a different model. They are not the same, and are not coded the same way, are simply is not currently possible without completely reworking WoW from the ground up right now.

This is also why in cases where people have tried to mod the game, you can’t stick a second model in, then code the game to swap between the two with a different option. It just doesnt work that way.

Edit: This is also why allied races such Maghar could have just been an option under orcs, but allied races such as nightborne and vulpera could not be. The game just doesnt have the backbone to allow models to be swapped at character select,

Is it weird? Yes.
Does it follow logic? Yes.
Human logic? No

All I can say is that you’re mistaken. No “reworking from the ground up” is necessary. Would some additional coding and UI elements be necessary? Yes. But it’s no great feat to implement in WoW.

Replacing a model is replacing a model. It doesn’t matter if its done by a spell or a toy, or through the character creation UI. Your model on the screen is replaced with a different model.

When your player character model is replaced with a static model you aren’t going to have your normal animations or sounds. But if your player character model is replaced with another player character model, you have their emotes, animations etc. It’s no different than being that race (outside of racials and faction where applicable).

You can test it yourself with the Orb of the Sin’dorei toy. It does not turn you into a preset static model. The appearance is based on your real race’s customization selections. You can use all the emotes, you get the twirl jump, etc.

As to dyes… you’re mistaken here as well. WoW can add a dye system… the problem is that existing textures aren’t designed to have their colors changed dynamically. The colors are “baked in”. For WoW to add a dye system either the system could only apply to new items made along with the dye system that use textures that can take colors dynamically… or and this is the big one that likely keeps dyes out of WoW… Blizzard artists would have to replace every existing weapon and armor texture with a version that can take color dynamically.

It would be a massive undertaking and take an unrealistic amount of time and money to do… and inevitably some textures would end up not quite identical to their pre-dye counterparts causing much uproar on the forums. So I can see why Blizzard has decided to not pursue that avenue of customization. With that said… Blizzard CAN give us a system to tint armor. That tech exists as well with weapon illusions such as Void Edge and Wraithchill. The same concept could be applied to armor models as easily as weapon models. It wouldn’t be as good as proper dyes but it would be something.


Okay…as someone with experience for several languages including ASM, Java, Lua, and more, I am telling you flat out. You are wrong. What you are seeing is not what is being done. I have already explained it to you, and rather than acknowledge this, your response is. “you’re mistaken.”.
You’re basically telling the magician who is explaining the trick to you, that they are wrong in how they are doing the trick, because you watched them.

That’s like denying the fact that WoW used to use bunnies for spell effects.

okay since I have to be exceedingly specific for you.
Yes, they can add a dye system, but the architecture of the game makes it so that if you want to apply that dye, what would need to occur is the texture would need to be replaced by the color which replaces you with a block of green (example).

If you don’t do that, then when the color is applied it causes the texture to darken entirely with the dye that has been placed. Tht is what keeps a dye system out.
The architecture of the game does not allow you to apply color dynamically to the texture because it lacks the ability to do so.

If you want it, you would still need to recode the game entirely to allow proper dyeing.
This is because the architecture used is a modified warcraft 3 gaming engine, and not an engine along the lines of say, Gamebryo which can accomplish the deed with ease.

It would be bad, lazy, and wouldn’t work for the reasons I listed above.
Tinting =/= dyeing
Dyeing = new engine.

That isn’t going to happen.

model swapping at character select = new engine.

Why you understand the texture matter but can’t understand it is a similar issue to dyeing is beyond me, but clearly, you have no intent to listen to someone with experience on the matter. So…

ima just dip out this convo and let you believe what you want

I’m fine with them molding the two into one race but it should be done in a way that allows those who want to be High Elves to disable the Void Racial effects or change the racials to something else. If people are forced to have the Void Stuff as a High Elf it’s going to turn a lot of people off and they’re going to keep requesting regular High Elves.


For the sake of argument let’s say you’re right and we can’t use a system similar to the orc posture, or Worgen two-forms, or the Orb of the Sin’dorei effect.

Imagine that in the character creation UI Blizzard groups the races like so:

Stormwind Human
Kul Tiran Human

You get the picture ya? Now let’s take that a step further (and excuse the naming, this is for demonstration purposes only).

Stormwind Human - Steroid Junkie Body
Stormwind Human - Svelt Swashbuckler Body
Kul Tiran Human - Binge Eater Body
Kul Tiran Human - Steroid Junkie Body

Under the hood, the additional body types would be new race entries (that are identical in racials and faction to the default etc) but from our perspective in the UI we just chose Human and picked the sub category of Stormwind Human - Steorid Junkie. This absolutely can be done in WoW.

If you’re going to tell me we can’t clone the Stormwind Human race, have it refer to a different player model, and give the clone its own entry in the character creation UI, I’m going to tell you you’re wrong. It can be done. I’ve done it when tinkering with an offline sandbox of WoW. I’m fairly sure private servers have done something similar as well when they add custom races to their servers.


You can do that and it would work yes.
You simply couldn’t do it as

Human~~~>customization options

It would need to be as you stated with

Human~~>SW OR KT Human ~~~> options based on your choice
All you’re doing there is just cloning what you already have under a different name to create the illusion of a model swap.
You wouldn’t even need to really add brand new code since you’re just working with what is already there.
I’ve messed with that in several programs. Its EASY

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Phew! I’m glad we could at least agree on that then! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I don’t tell you no on something unless I am very, very sure that it can’t be done without breaking everything.

I figured it would be more like selecting different races but you have to click the core race first.

Like Dwarf > Darkiron/Wildhammer/Bronzebeard.

Vulpra kinda mess the whole thing up though…