High Elf POSITIVITY Thread šŸ˜Ž

So I saw this fan made concept on the EU forums and I thought it was quite brilliant!

Hereā€™s an example of this concept with Dwarves:

Someone else then included a mockup for this concept specifically for Void/High Elves:

A system like benefits everyone who wants to be a specific subgroup of their base race, not just those seeking to play High Elves. Trolls could be Darkspear, Revantusk, Farraki, etc. Dwarves could be Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, Dark Iron, etc.


I would love to see this. It would allow some customization from certain allied races to be shared with their base race.

It would make allied races not subraces.

I really want both the thin and big human models available to all humans. That would be possible with this change. Humans would get to choose their origin which for the most part would be a change of your characterā€™s voice.

For most races however they would all come with unique customization and class selection. I donā€™t consider racials a priority with this so that is something that can be worked on over time rather than trying to get it done before releasing the customization.

For orcs we could see various clans.


You can consider it almost impossible.

I think blizzard is already very committed to the matter

Iā€™m a huge fan of this idea!! I hope Blizzard sees this.


Neat! Hope she keeps it. I know nothing of her but shes always been my favorite elf in SW.

Oooo! I like this.


Caledra has always been an incognita. I like to think that sheā€™s the highvale representative in Stormwind.


This is a Great Idea. I hope Blizzard considers the idea of Subraces with the Actually race in the Character Customization Menu in terms of subrace backstory.


Iā€™m keeping my fingers crossed that the live update on the 9th gives us more in depth info on customization options, not just for Void Elves and Blood Elves, but for the other 3 of the initial batch of allied races as well. Nightborne really need a lot of love IMO.

They cancelled the 9th June stream. :frowning:


Well thenā€¦

That sucksā€¦ I wonder why would they do that?

Itā€™s due to the BLM protests, Blizzard does not want to attract bad PR while they are happening.

To be honest, theyre such a large company it wouldnā€™t phase them.

I understand that sentiment. I for one will be here to be excited when they come back at a later date that they see fit.

In the meantime I think the HE community has so much to be excited for, the customizations wouldnā€™t have been put in if it wasnā€™t for us in all honesty, we just need the lore to officiate the customization can be linked to HEs too.

My HE mage is beyond excited for Shadowlands :hugs:


Well, letā€™s hope for a new build next week, then.

Beyond high void elf customizations, I wanna see news on night elvesā€™.


Undead BE customization is the hill Iā€™m prepared to fight on. The sooner news is revealed the better!

Night Elves and more Highborne stuff, and nature inspired stuff. Also a rework of the males please or at least better variety of faces.

Nightborne as the next AR though to receive major love is my hope too.

I wonder if races across the board will see male ear jewelry like Nightborne? Specifically Night Elves and Blood Elves? fingers crossed

I guess we should take this time to discuss what options we would like to see added or expanded upon.

Off the top of my head I think Blond/Brown/White hair colors and the Short Ears for Void Elves.


Jewelry and body jewelry I hope is on VEs and BEs equally. Iā€™ve only seen it be a BE thing?


:angry: why does everyone want to change perfection.

Thatā€™s cool thoughā€¦

Aye and also much more likely.

I hope this happens.

Eyes with the void effect you see on the belt and gloves and knee pads of velf heritage armor.

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I think itā€™s just a problem I have with the body proportions idk :confused: Iā€™ve seen people echo that too, and if ever was a time to get work done seems like now is the time to bring it up.

Iā€™m sure your character is lovely though but wouldnā€™t you want more people to play NEs? Thatā€™s a good thing!

Also yeah younger faces, I hope that goes to NB and NEs though.

We have not really seen faces at all have we? Like they showed VE and BE eyes but even on those models we havenā€™t seen any faces where are more face options is my question. And I hope they donā€™t just make more older looking faces but younger ones too.

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