High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

I do hope it happens for people but at the moment it does seem like a weird thing to fixate on.

My mage for example despite being a HE would still utilize Magic’s available to him. But at the same time maybe someone’s warrior wouldn’t? I don’t know. It’s not a deal breaker for me though. But I hope it happens for those who do find it to be one.

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I wouldn’t aim for a retcon because it’d make the writers look even more incompetent. I aim to underline mistakes made in hopes of someone out there learning from them instead of making said mistakes down the line.

Even ignoring the terrible implementation, you have to now convincingly write something to explain high elves willingly taking the void into themselves, despite the strings attached, the need to exceptional individuals, and the lack of a threat big enough that would allow them to consider it as an option.

I mean
the sky ripped open and the afterlife is bleeding into this one
there is also an undead horde running around uncontrolled.
Plenty reason to become a voidy boy.

Just from the undead alone you’d be pushing anyone interested in fighting them towards the light, not the void. You’d end up with more high elf priests and paladins than any of them deciding the void is somehow better.

To put this into perspective, Alleria decided to take in the void only after light mom X’era died, and after it was clear they needed every weapon and power they could use against the burning legion, because the alternative would be all of them dying.

The entire concept of void elves seems to rely on the individual’s will power to keep the voices from influencing them. Locus Walker himself mentions that this isn’t something everyone can do because not everyone has what it takes. Stronger beings have been lost to the void, so I see it as only a matter of time before someone breaks and we have to put them down.

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The void has been shown to be effective against the undead.
I don’t believe there are any paladins that are not blood knights though. That’s their order of things.

Indeed, but I do think the case can be made.

-High Elves are overall recognized by their level of discipline: they are the perfect candidates as a group of elves that managed their dependence to magic through discipline -not everyone, but even when they still used it was more like methadone rather than indulging-

-Alleria serving as an inspiration for the High Elves to what power they could achieve. They are after all a pretty downtrodden people, there IS an allure to being powerful. But is also inspirational “we have what it takes”

-Void study becoming a necessity in light of the upcoming cosmic battles. Someone has to choose to learn how to face these powers.

-A spectrum of Void usage; maybe you don’t need to go FULL void, but being able to understand it and deal with it if necessary. Overall high elves becoming the Alliance response to void threats can range from full mastery of it, to a basic literacy of it.


I understand what you’re saying but I don’t think they all need to be pushed into the Void. There can and certainly be some who choose that path. The High Elves can still continue as they are now. I know it might be kinda clichĂ© but they’re not in any danger of being mixed out living in human lands. Blizzard obviously doesn’t want to kill High Elves off. If the story demands High Elves exist in large numbers despite being refugees in human Kingdoms then they will exist.

Again that’s not saying there cant be some involved with the void but it feels pretty meh if they’re all forced into that. Some people may think the traditional High Elf role is “boring” but it fits the theme of the Alliance which most new races don’t. It may be standard but it feels proper and it’s an aesthetic a lot of people love. They can still make High Elves unique without Voiding them all up.


In the present time yes, they will be as they are, but at 50 100 years they will not, evolve or become more human, it is a proven fact what happens with these races and their sources of power

and something similar will stop the people of suramar not having their source at night

At the end of the day though if the story demands High Elves existing 2000 years from now in Stormwind City they will still exist. It’s the reason why these races in game that should be on the brink of extinction can still field armies. The story gets what the story demands. For better or for worse.

My hot take on the Void Issue is this though:

I don’t think blizz created the Void elves necessarily to make “High Elves different and unique.”

I think it was simply they wanted to make a race based on the Void since they were building that up and someone had the idea of combining it with the Elf stuff to deliver “Oh those Elves that the Alliance want.” Imo it was just a matter of killing two birds with one stone which didn’t work out.


As has the light. Barring the lightforged, there’s no strings attached to wielding the light.

If Isimod, Faesrol and the other Silver Covenant paladins died during Legion, that’s news to me.

I’ll grant you the first two points, though these last two sound too much like something that would work better as its own class with three specs instead of a race. A class that specializes in the void and countering it, the way demon hunters are focused on fel and demons.

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I’m not sure why it’s so hard to believe that High Elf Paladins exist? There might not be many named characters but we’ve seen at least some and random NPCs part of the Argent Crusade back in the day. High Elf paladins don’t even need to be something special. They can be Knights of the Silver Hand alongside the Humans and Dwarves. They fit in there perfectly with no explanation even needed.

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To be fair, they would also need to be accepted by the blood knights, but that means becoming blood elves.

Faesrol is a sunreaver, and I don’t recall the Silver covenant having paladins. I know they had priests and warriors.
Unless I am thinking of another Faesrol

Yeh, comes across as that, but I’m saying more like what if the Silver Covenant as an organization pivots to that.

I think the best form of handling high/void elves is to make them a single society. This doesn’t mean high elves are entirely converted into void elves, but rather that high elves are the larger population, but void elves are seen as kind of an elite of guardians that strong-willed high elves aspire to prove worthy to join.

So, sister races working together. Originally, I never expected for us to actually get the high elf look, so I always imagined that high/void elves would end up as gilneans/worgen, in which they are a single society but later are playable and the former aren’t. However, with high elf skins/eyes and maybe even the possibility of customizing Entropic Embrace, one could easily roleplay as a high elf now.

I’ll leave my old “Quel’danil as a town” concept here:

The highvale, the Silver Covenant and the Ren’dorei unite to create a new home. Quel’danil is perfect for an update, since it has very little content nowadays (in essence, 2 important NPCs and 3 interactable quest objects), so it could be reworked with minimum effort.

The main lodge would house martial classes. The main defenders would be a gestalt group of rangers, formed from all 3 elven groups.

The mage tower over the cliff would be staffed by Silver Covenant mages.

A hidden cave behind the waterfall would be maintained by the ren’dorei and decorated with void elf aesthetics. It would include a portal to Telogrus.


Can you go to quel’danil in the alpha? Have their eyes changed? In live all the npcs there are male, but there is a rare that spawns near there who is female and only attackable by horde. Jalinde Summerdrake is her name.


than ? the high elves have not lived 2000 years in storwind.

the city was destroyed since the first war

and the elves found in the city to this day it has been said that the first refuge of the high elves by number was stormwind

something else is dalaran that they have been living for millennia, since it was founded with elves and humans, being inhabited by them from day 1

If you’re taking requests there is a high elven ranger lady in the Stormwind Keep in the little room with the nobles in it.

Curious about her eyes.


I’m speaking hypothetically. Im saying High Elves COULD live in Stormwind for 2000 years and if the story demands that they remain High Elves (not all mix away into the human population) than they will. If the story demands High Elves there will always be High Elves. Even if they’re living in refugee populations throughout human lands.

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that’s more a wish than a reality

elves evolve depending on their power source, storwind elves are less arcane than they ever were

but it is not a short process, but of generations, their lives will be shorter and their blood diluted in humans

the void against them have a fixed power source and can concentrate their numbers more naturally since they not only feed on high elves but also on blood elfs

I hope blizz adds to the silver convenant and finally ends these discussions

I haven’t gone there, but I assume they are like the high elves everywhere else: females with purple eyes, males with teal. Let’s wait the next build and see if that pattern changes.

It’s purple, I had checked it.