High Elf POSITIVITY Thread 😎

The fact is that no one denies that the high elves have their history in the alliance, but it is that they are also in a frozen state that they cannot be like this forever

The void offers many avenues, since it is a sustainable source for the elves and that they can use according to their capacities, it gives them the sufficient differentiating gene of counterpart against the blood elfs

If the high elves of the alliance continue as they are now, they would lose aspects of their race at the time by not being in contact with the sunwell, and at the same time by being in human populations, they would end up being half elves and in the long run simple humans

The blood elfs have gone a long way in lore in history to something new, and I think the high elves of the alliance should still go their way.

Perhaps, but you have to remember the in universe logic is affected by where the writers want to take the story.

If the point is to make the alliance elves more different than the horde ones, they could accomplish that by making them lean towards the void.

Just like when Blood Elves joined the Horde. They were independent and could have gone either way, but they wanted them on the horde, so the story went there.

Design choices influence the lore more than the other way around. If lore was the priority, we would have had plain High Elves long ago most likely.

The fact they created the VE’s to me says they want to keep a degree of difference, even when we are seeing the harshness of it decrease.

So IMO, given what their design sensibilities so far, it’s more likely high elves join the void elves, but certainly form a meta level, not an in universe one.

Silver Covenant joins the VE’s, Alleria’s rangers rejoin her, the scattered elves come together, etc. The Highvale are the only ones for whom it makes no sense in universe.

But yeah, I have to agree that from a strictly in universe perspective, it makes more sense for all the thalassian elves to unite under a different moniker than Void Elf, and they all become different aspects of said super-group.


I hope the new generation of Void Elves relies more on the current Alliance HE population. We see both Silvermoon and High Elf Wayfarers / scholars in the rift. But I dislike the idea of some sort of population exodus to join Alleria. There are already people who think Blood Elves aren’t “happy” on the Horde even though they don’t have much basis for that sentiment in my opinion, so I hope the same coin that solidifies the High Elf lore with Void Elves to allow people to finally have the High Elf that never left the Alliance, that we also see it solidify Blood Elf ranks.

People are discussing possible High Elves joining Quel’thalas? But why must we keep seeing Blood Elves joining Alleria, we’ve never been lead to believe anti Horde sentiments is some widespread thing and personally I’d assume most with those ideas were the original Void Elves anyways.

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I really hope we can get options for just high elves without them being pushed into void options. It makes very little sense. I am still hoping for some sort of toggle that maybe eventually allows for the selection of different classes and racials and stuff.


I do not see it occurring. Blizzard rarely gives exactly what people desire

I mean what makes sense will be what Blizzard decides “yeah, so most High Elves decide to merge with the Void Elves and start using void to a degree”

Would be pretty much the same that “So yeah, the Blood Elves decided to join the horde” it makes “sense” to a point, doesn’t meant it’s the most logical choice.

I mean if this customization even addresses High Elves lorewise -which, might not even- at most I am hoping we get more of the alleria look -braid, feather, tattoos- since she is as much of a void elf as she is a high elf, so she could serve as the exemplar of the more HE side of the spectrum.

At the very least I want the ability to not look voidy at all, otherwise it’s just another lackluster compromise to me.


It is possible they may act like ALleria where you are voidy only during combat.
I doubt you’ll get the option to remove it entirely.

While this makes sense, it is also something that should have been done from the start. Doing it now is fine as long as you have proper lore and good writing to back it up, but even then fuddy-duddies like me will see it as efforts that instead of being good developments are there to correct a problem that shouldn’t even exist in the first place.

The void elves aren’t just a political faction. If it were, I would have no problem with the idea of high elves and blood elves deciding to follow Alleria. Taking in the void has a bunch of strings attached to it, which is why I argued Alleria doing it in a time of need made sense, but people doing it out of the blue for no reason other than “Alleria did it” makes little sense. You’d have to lower the potential risks of taking in the void to make it one of those “some risk, some reward” deals.

if the blood elfs are evolving as far as their lore goes

I do not see why the high elves of the alliance do not go through that, they can not be forever as they are and more when they do not have the sunwell

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I know some would still be happy and I’d be happy for them, but it still wouldn’t be the high elves I personally want. I don’t need the name to say high elf, but if I’m stuck looking voidy it will pull me out too much.

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I would prefer the high elves to be an AR and to have them turn more to nature or elemental magics. It just doesn’t make sense for them to suddenly embrace the void.


You know they could write a good short story about Umbric having talks with Vereesa and deciding to work together under one group.

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It is that for me they can not continue like this, you know that the highborns when losing the source, underwent great physical changes

What do you think will happen to the high elves who do not return who have been connected for millennia to the Sunwell

They don’t have to be near it to have a connection to it.

Yeah, but arguing about “what would have been better” is at most a fool’s errand. We can’t change the past, and I doubt they are going to outright retcon the Void Elf origin and implementation.

(Imagine if they do lol)

Yeh, and that’s an entirely personal issue. I don’t even care about the racials, they do not break my immersion as they are only gameplay conceits for me. Hardly use spatial rift and Entropic Embrace is simply a combat proc.

It’s sort of interesting to me that this may have been a new decision they made, but they always left it open for bringing HEs and customization in with leaving Alleria like she is and going out of their way to refer to her as the first Void Elf, and just leaving the statement at that not reminding us her circumstances were different.

Their two leaders from the start highlight the two stories we may see told under the Void Elf banner.

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What risks do you see? They have a path to use it with little risk. None of them have so far fallen to the void beyond an Old Gods vision. Not to mention in that same vision many of them clearly resisted as they’re littering the streets.

And thats a vision where the Old God won.

Yes, and who knows, maybe love blooms ;D

But for real, feels like a watershed moment for Vereesa as a Leader. Do we continue this path of assimilating into humanity, or can we create something entirely new that carries forwards us as a people, even if very different than what we were?

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You know that there is a town of high elves that disappeared and they were close to Quethalas, right?

if they have to be around, the high elves of dalaran and other towns have overcome their mana problems in other ways that have not been explained very well

but have given up on sunwell